This is a picture I found somewhere of me. I know, goodlooking guy, right?
I am posting my picture instead of the rest of the Danish Artists Cartoons because I really don't want to do anything to bother a Muslim friend now that I know it bothers him.
In another piece I did I mentioned the Danish Cartoons of the spoof on the Muslim Suicide Bombers being told "ENOUGH" we ran out of Virgins and I said I didn't even think my friend who happens to be a Radical Muslim Extremist would find the cartoon objectionable. Well I have to say I was wrong.
Not only was I wrong but he needs his prozac now that I said I didn't think he would take offense. He then takes his comments to Israel and Jews although this has not a DAMN thing to do with the CARTOONS but he is too Extreme to get through his hate of Jews, Israel and the United States to even realize this. You can read his comments in the next bit and I am sure on this bit later when he wakes up.
He made an arguement that what if Hitler was put on a Cartoon smoking Jews or Sharon in a cartoon killing innocent Palestinians. Again, what does a Danish Artist doing a Cartoon have to do with this but I regress. I was reading another blog and I copied some of a list he posted and it goes like this.
Now Jews have NEVER acted like Muslims act and there is NO COMPARISON to any reasonable person but I argued his points and will continue to because to let BS STATEMENTS of his or others Stand without Comment legitimizes them and I won't let that happen!
I took this from another blog I was reading today and quote them here.
I thought these statements illuminate what has been allowed to go on without reprisals for the most part and explain any reprisals such as the actions in Afganistan and Iraq.
Muslims flying commercial airliners into New York City buildings killing 3,000 people from 47 countries?
Muslims blocking the exit where school girls are trying to escape a burning building because their girls' faces were exposed?
Muslims cutting off the heads of three teenage girls on their way to their Christian school in Indonesia?
Muslims murdering teachers trying to teach Muslim children in Iraq?
Muslims murdering over 80 tourists with car bombs outside cafes and hotels in Egypt?
A Muslim attacking a missionary children's school in India killing six?
Muslims slaughtering hundreds of children and teachers in Beslan, Russia, including shooting children in the back?
Muslims firing rocket-propelled grenades into schools full of children in Israel?
Muslims murdering 56 commuters, injuring over 700, in attacks on London subways and buses?
Muslims bombing trains in Madrid, Spain, killing 191 commuters and injuring over 2000?
Muslims massacring dozens of innocents at a Jewish Passover Seder?
Muslims murdering innocent vacationers in Bali?
Muslim newspapers publishing anti-Semitic and anti-Christian cartoons?
Muslims beating the charred bodies of Western civilians with their shoes, then hanging them from a bridge?
Muslims videotaping themselves chanting "Allahu Akbar" while they saw the heads off defenseless people?
Muslim involvement, on one side or the other, in almost every one of the 125+ shooting wars around the world?
He also wrote and I will quote the following:
Everybody well knows that these blood-lusting murderers do not represent the majority of the world's Muslims. When, though, does the majority become outraged and outspoken? When do they take to the streets and the airwaves to express their outrage at the minority of radicals who are making their religion the object of worldwide hatred and ridicule?
Muslim, Salman Rushdie wrote: "As their ancient, deeply civilized culture of love, art and philosophical reflection is hijacked by paranoiacs, racists, liars, male supremacists, tyrants, fanatics and violence junkies, why are they not screaming?" Indeed, why not? And, for those of you who offer an excuse for the supposed majority of rational Muslims who are so conspicuous by their silence--if not now, then when?
End of Quote:
Why can't he see that this is the way people are looking at what is going on? Why does he try to make this personal between Muslims and Jews, Israel and the United States? Answer is that he has NO arguement and has to throw BS in the air hoping that some if will stick to the ceiling and someone may buy his line of crap like the rest of them are trying to do.
I am glad I live in a country that has FEW of these people and I won't have to deal with them. Now the rest of the world is starting to understand how the Israelis felt when they had been constantly under attack and not making any headway discussing things with these people for the most part. You can't reason with Wackos in my opinion and nothing good can come of discussions with people who have no sense of right and wrong.
Another thought that I have expressed before is that if Muslims loved their CHILDREN as much as they hate Jews and Israel there would have been peace a long time ago!
Hasta Pronto!