Saturday, March 29, 2008

Birthday Dinner Back in the DR con mi Sisters

I got back from Atlanta last Saturday after having to wait a few days for a seat. Nice thing about a buddy pass is that it is free but you have to wait for a seat if the plane is full.
Got back in time to have my birthday dinner with a couple of the "Sisters" and then had drinks with a third Sister at Pedro McMurphys. Had a great time as always! I love these sisters and enjoy spending time with them always. Top is Maria uno, Bottom is Maria Dos and below is mi Negra. Three of the finest people this island has to offer! And yes take out a camera and they all turn into Modelos!:) Siempre. Tonight I am going to Pedro's for a Steak dinner. This is the second time they are doing this. First time was great and I expect the same this time also. They get a HUNK of USDA Prime and cut it up and see how many meals they get out of it and then take only that amount of reservations. It is all sold out again but I got reservations for two and looking forward to my steak!
Hasta Pronto!

Hocky Game

Well this was a first for me. I went to a Hockey Game for the first time in my life. I never got into it and I still haven't. My cousin told me I had to go to a game to appreciate it and well I guess I didn't although I had a nice time with my buddy Bruce who is the pilot for Delta who got me a free ticket to get there and another buddy Dave who works now for AT&T Cellular and another friend of Daves. I am really a basketball fan and appreciate it much better. The day of the game I met a couple of the Atlanta Thrashers who were in the Shoe Store and I mentioned that I had a friend here in the DR who is a retired Puck Slinger. When I told them the name they said that they heard the name before but didn't know the guy. Poor Doug, you were forgotten:) Guess they weren't born when you played! LOL Sorry brother we are all getting old I guess. It was great to see you the other night. Hope you make a Sunday motorcycle trip with us! We are going tomorrow and meeting at Pedro McMurphys at 9am for Breakfast and then a backwoods mountain ride. Anyone is welcome to join us for a real nice time! I don't think I will be going back to a hockey game. Not a good spectator sport for me and since I can't skate worth a damn I guess this will just go down as a new experience never to be repeated:)
Hasta Pronto!


These pictures are of my families Shoe business Downtown Atlanta. You can check them out on the web . They are fairly well known because they sell shoes from Size 8 to Size 24 and all the big people come in because they have a selection of 300 different shoes in size 19. If you look at the picture below you will see that all the walls are lined with framed Jerseys that are signed by the respective ball players. The jerseys go back to the days that they were made of "JERSEY". Truly a spectacular place to just visit. Check out the who's who on the website and see everyone from OJ to Don King and everyone inbetween. I got myself a bunch of new shoes. Haven't been out of the country in about 1.5 years and my shoes were getting thin:)
Check them out and order a pair or ten of the latest fashion shoes. We need the business as the US economy is even hurting the shoe business
Hasta Pronto!