Saturday, January 27, 2007

Nice Jeans

Nice ad for Levi's Jeans...
I just found out that my daughter made Honor Roll this semester. I wouldnt hear it from my wife as I guess she doesn't think I need or want to know but my Uncle sent me the Newspaper link which I thank him for. I sent her a nice note congradulating her.
I wish the gal on the left was in my Bikini Contest:)
I am feeling all better for the first time. I even have some energy which I haven't had for a while. Put me next to my partner in the restaurant and you would have thought I was a olympic athelete compared to him. He walks around like he is a corpse. Oh well, what ever turns him on I guess.
Business is still relatively slow here. Not like it should be. Hotel is pretty empty and so is the town what I see of it which isn't much lately. I don't think I have been up later than 10pm in 3 weeks.
No difference, I am feeling way better. Gracia Dio.
Hasta Pronto!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Bikini Contest

These are the winners of the Bikini Contest from Left to Right. The one on the right changed too early but man what a HOTTIE! LOL


There was actually a tie for 3rd place and the tie'er wasn't in this picture. The one next to me ended up tearing up her Prize money because she thought she should have done better.


This was the first one and it didn't go off as smoothly as I would have wanted but I learned for the next time. We packed every seat in the house and even the outside of the restaurant was PACKED. You couldnt move in the place and seemed like everyone had a GREAT TIME!


Thanks for everyone that took part.


On July 4th I am going to hold a Wet T Shirt Contest and I am going to start setting it up now. That should be a KILLER!

Hasta Pronto!