I am retired from the Real Estate Business in the US and living by the beach on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic in Cabrera. I talk about Real Estate, Investing, Culture and adjusting to it, Travel and Women. --------------- Recently moved (October 2008)to Cabrera from Sosua and will discuss the differences now...
Someone sent me this LOGO for Dawn. They said she can listen to this new station when she goes back to Montana.
Now I don't know about the rest of you guys but everytime I hear country music I feel like making love to my sister. It just rubs me the wrong way. I NEED rock and roll. Don't misunderstand, I like Jazz, Blues, Classical, some reggae, Ska and a whole lot more but Country? Gimme a break!
I had breakfast at Britannia again today. Eggs benedict. Good stuff. 135 pesos with Juice, Fruit cup, Coffee, Potatoes and of course the eggs up on a split English muffin with Ham and Hollandaise Sause. Good stuff!
A Brittish fellow came to the table to tell me he reads my blog religiously. That was nice and I thank you. Nice to know that you preach to someone and just don't talk to yourself. I also got email from Mary in Texas. Good to know you still read my drivel Mary!
Someone made this comment on the last bit.
"james said... do you really think this fellow got locked up all that time just because? there has to be something more to it. a fine upstanding community guy with a good job and could afford some of the best lawyers around. i see your point about it being scary and all and i have followed your blog since its start on that white pasty guys forum but you know yourself, your a bussiness man in the dominican whether you think so or not. you have to ask yourself how could you end up in that kind of trouble or that situation. this mans name wasn't pulled from a hat.love the blog, not slagging here. something just seems amiss here. "
I was just going to comment to the comment but felt I needed to expand a bit more and make the rest of you read it instead of having to go to the comments first.
I read the article in question in the Miami Herald. It wasn't on a website DRblahblah where you see lots of nonsense. This is what I think may be a respectable publication. Now, do I believe everything they say in the papers? Hell NO! Papers are less likely going to print correct info than the Government here will refuse a bribe! That being said, the newspaper article said that there was false evidence provided the court and it was all nonsense. They went further to say that they present government of the Dominican Republic was just trying to discredit the previous government.
I was hoping for some further info and actually get a better handle on this. If you take the time to read the article you will see what I am saying and what scares me. Terrible business this!
I had two friends come in from NY today. Actually I had 4 friends come in from NY but I picked up only 2 because I didn't have enough room. Debbie who I picked up yesterday picked up 2 of the people I couldn't accomodate. Welcome home Herman, Bill, Mario and Howard.
I had dinner with 2 of my friends in Costambar tonight at Cafe Negril. Had that Sea Bass with Saffron sauce and it was GREAT!
Tomorrow or actually tonight, Friday, a whole bunch of us are having dinner at Dori's Restaurant in Eddys Sports Bar. So far we have Debbie and Brian, Herman and Bill, Howard, Mario and dates, Niko the Commie, Me, Rob and Sandy from Taco Tuesday and possibly another buddy of mine Ted and Grahame and Robin, and last but not least, Herbert who flies in tomorrow and I am picking up at the airport.. 16 people as starters. If you are in town and want to hang out with us just show up at 7pm for dinner. You will be welcomed.
Thats all folks!
Hasta Pronto!
Last night I went to Taco Tuesday with Lorraine and Ray who live in the same condo complex I live in.
For the first time that I can remember there were more people I didn't know there then there were people I do know. Heck most times there are more people I have recommended to go there, there, then others in total. The folks that own Checkpoint Bar on Beachway Plaza in Sosua were there along with JR who I knew but heck the rest I had no clue about.
I usually am the first person there at Taco Tuesdays. I like getting there early so I can just soak up the view of the ocean and the atmosphere while it is quiet and before I have to be a social animal. Last night there were 20 people there before me. When my friends Camden Tom and Mary got to the joint which was fairly early, the food was all gone. They had to go somewhere else for dinner but stayed for a few beers.
Man, I leave town for 2 weeks along with the owners of the place and it becomes the most popular gig on the North Coast! Rob and Sandy have been in Seatle for about 3 weeks at their daughters wedding but return Thursday. Someone should call them and tell them to stay so they can make money! LOL
Today Brian and Debbie arrive from Canada and I will be picking them up at the plane. Tomorrow I have another 2 groups of friends coming down and I had to recruit Brian and Debbie to help me round them all up from the Airport. Whoopie, more people to hang with!
Friday at 7pm a bunch of us are going to have dinner at Dori's Restaurant in Eddys Sports Bar in Sosua. So far Tom, Mary, Niko and myself and possibly Grahame and Robin are coming. I am sure that Debbie, Brian, Herman, my two friends coming tomorrow and a whole bunch more will be there. Whoopie, a dinner party! If you want to join us just show up at Eddys!
Hasta Pronto!
My friend Shad in Toronto sent me this picture of a Aston Martin which is exactly like the car I used in Florida with the exception of mine was in British Racing Green which I have been told is the only colour to have one of these babies in. He said he had it on his desk and he was pissed that I was actually driving one of these bad boys.
I know he was only kidding and he sent this to me to keep until I returned to Florida. Shad is a decent guy any day of the week and petty jealousy is not part of him or his being! Funny thing about having this car to drive and also having something bigger in the same garage after driving it the first time I drove the other car until the day before I left. I felt that it was almost obligatory to drive that bad boy once again. I am thankful to my buddy that gave me the opportunity to even see this car for the first time in my life that I can remember. All that being said next time with a Range Rover and an Aston Martin in the Driveway I will get into the Rover for reasons I am not sure I even understand.
That friend who lovingly provided a roof over my head and cars to drive when I was in Florida is coming this week to the Dominican Republic along with another real nice fellow and I can't wait to see them! Great guy and very pleasant company always and a treat to have around always! He is a golfer and pays 1000 US a month for his golf membership in Florida where he rarely goes. He spends a lot of time here in the Dominican Republic and was here 5-8 weeks ago last. It is a treat for me to see him here. I always try to hook up with him in the States when I am there and here we hang out for days instead of an evening for dinner and drinks which suits me better.
Today I have an airport pick up of a guy from Canada who has stayed in my condo several times but since my friends are coming down I can't put him up this trip but I felt like picking his stanky arse up from the airport anyway. He gets in at 11:30 am which is great because at 1pm I am going to a friends Bbq up in Puerto Plata which I am looking forward to. It all works out for me timewise today and I don't have to do the racing around that causes stress. Great!
This week I have several friends coming to town. Debbie and Brian, Herman, Ted, Mario and Howard and probably a few more that I forgot already. Be great to see them all and do some hanging out and sharing meals. My boy Dori who has the restaurant in Eddys Sports Bar will be a busy guy with everyone in town. When I was in Florida I have loads of Thai and Sushi so I have been only had Salads and Fish and Chips since Wednesdays return. I am looking forward to Dori's Thai Curry and Japanese Noodle dishes. They are my favorite meals on the Island!
I will hang out with Carina at the Bbq today and discuss how we are going to get the Auction done and promote both the dinner and the auction. Hopefully between Carina, Jackie and myself we can make some headway with the upcoming project. Please remember if you have any goods and services to donate or even cold cash drop me a line. This is the rush now since it is coming up quickly so reach down deep and please help out our efforts. We should also know where the past money is going to be used by next week. I am pretty sure it will be outfitting a free dental clinic and office building that will offer free space to professionals that will also give out free health services. Matter of fact, my friend Jillian is a speech therapist who is getting fluent in Spanish. Maybe I can talk to her about donating some of her time when she is here. I am actually sure that would be no problem as she is a fine person. She was my daughters FIRST baby sitter. My wife and Jillian were doing the speech and hearing masters at the same time and we had all Masters Students as babysitters. My daughter was a lucky gal!
Thats about it for today folks, hope you have a smashing Sunday. Here in the Dominican Republic the weather is real nice although at about 3am I heard torrential showers. I look forward to seeing friends at the Bbq today and hanging out getting fat!:)
Hasta Pronto!
PS> I made $4.43 yesterday with the google adsense. You guys bought me a real nice breakfast this morning!:)