Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Talking about Strikes

On they were talking about a strike here because of the price of gas.
Instead they are changing the signs on the road to the sign pictured here!
Ok so I have nothing much to write about. I bought a car yesterday. 2006 Diahatsu Terios. Good little piece of junk that gets good gas milage. I got it from a friend and got a very good price on it. I think I will make it up in about 20 years with the savings on gas from my other Jeepeta which I still have:) Whooo Hooo!
They keep talking about the hours that the discos and bars will close. Rumor abounds that they are going to raise the time from 12 on the weekdays and 2 am on weekends to 2 and 4 but I doubt it. Mostly just people talking to show how much they know which isn't anything but possible wishes.
I love the early bar closings. As long as they do it for the entire country it is a good thing. I can now close the bars on the weekdays and not even get drunk as I usually close around 11 pm so it is just an hour. Cool!
Hey you guys coming to Sosua. Please send me email if you can stop off in Duty Freee and pick me up some booze! I would appreciate it muchly:)
Hasta Pronto!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I added a new link

Sorry guys, I am on the loaner laptop at the restaurant and it looks like I will have to reinstall the operating system as someone has of course screwed it up. I will do this tonight. I put a hard link on the blog on the right for a website/blog by the name of DRFools which is a spoof on DR posters on the message boards. It is pretty hilarious and sometimes a little hard on some people who don't deserve it but I put it up anyway. . Check it out at: . Http:// and you will get a kick out of it probably. . I think I am profiled as a Donald Trump or millionaire wannabe with no friends and a storyteller about all the women I bed down. They only got part of it right! LOL . Last night Jackie Quontree, Paradise, Dawn and myself went to that German restaurant located on a road across from Bozo Beach just before the verizon property heading to Cabarete after the gas station coming from Sosua. . Food was decent and comfortable and I would recommend this place to anyone. Check the place out! . We have decided to Close QuiXote's on Wednesday instead of Mondays from now on. Turns out that Wednesday is our slowest day of the week. When high season starts I hope to be open 7 days a week with expanded hours. I have 2 part timers who are working here who I hope will be up to speed by then. Actually one is and one isn't so I hope to have the staff built in by then. . Yesterday we opened from 9 to 1pm because we have been very busy. We had a great 4 hours and were crowded from start to finish. Also had a plumber in to fix 3 leaks, a repairman for one of the fridges and tried out a new cook who fit in right away. Cool day with a lot accomplished, 42 meals served and still had half a day off to go to Puerto Plata to accomplish some things for the restaurant. . Yesterday the fellow that designed and built the trim on the bar and the light fixtures came in. We discussed getting new fixtures for the otherside of the bar and redoing all the metal work to make the place nicer from both the inside and the outside. Stay tuned as this place comes together in the next several weeks. . Hasta Pronto!