Saturday, April 08, 2006

Say hello to Avocado Brian.


We went to his Wine and Whiskey tasting last night. There must have been about 125-150 people there and everything was done in the best possible manner with a lot of class! My hats off to you brother on a job well done!


Everyone had a great time and with the exception of losing money at the casino last night I have a great time! Got to see some old friends and met more than just a few people. Heck even ran into Metalhead there.


There is a link to his blog on my blog here on the right so check him out and go out to his place and buy his wines and whiskeys. I know I plan on myself! The Shiraz and the Merlot were the best in my opinion so I plan on buying a case of each along with the Whiskeys! Great stuff folks at a reasonable price.


Hasta Pronto!

This picture was taken last week at Taco Tuesday. The woman on the left is Lorna who is Linda Loves mom. She came down for a few weeks when Linda needed to do some work on her new home in construction.
The woman on the Right is Disnalda who is the little sweetie that Dawn and I put in a private English/Spanish School. This is her second year in school and is doing real well now.
We are just trying to add to the pool of future Dominicans that will run this country and hopefully turn this place around and put the people before the graft and corruption!
Meanwhile Linda and Lorna are back in Canadia and I already miss them. It was great hanging out with them for a couple of weeks. Real decent people and a pleasure. For the first week that they were here they had another friend Laurie here and she also was a pleasure to have around. Spent much time at dinner tables with them just chatting and enjoying their company. Come back soon guys, I miss you all!
Tuesday is Taco Tuesday again folks and I have already had bookings in the free taxi that goes from Sosua to Taco Tuesday. I still have some room and we can also get Dawn to drive also if there is anyone else needing a lift. I leave Sosua at EXACTLY 6:30pm so let me know if you want to go.
Hasta Pronto!

This is Sarai and her brother. When Dawn and I were in Florida in February we picked Sarai up a inexpensive digital camera. I wanted to wait till Dawn returned to give it to her so we went up to her house today and did just that.


Sarai was the little girl who spoke such beautiful English that inspired me to put Disnalda in the same school she goes to. Not only speaks well but beautiful as well.


The family is so nice that the mother tried to feed us after we already ate. Just down home decent people and perhaps these are the kids that are going to grow up and turn this country in a great direction! Wouldn't it be nice?


Hasta Pronto!

Had lunch at Asiatico which is located in Eddys Sports Bar today. I got this cutie to pose for me but she was kicking and screaming about it:) Don't know why!
She was a good sport so I took a complimentary one also. Man what is with all the sweeties in the Dominican Republic. You would think that they grew them on trees.
Hasta Pronto!

Mango Larry Y Motor City Mike come to town

The fellow on the left is Mango Larry. We use to be neighbors in the US and hung out together there on many occassions when we were both in town. At that point in my life I was getting ready to pull the trigger and move here to the Dominican Republic so we had limited times hanging out but always felt that he was a good friend! . The fellow on the right is Motor City Mike. He comes from the Detroit area and visits this place often. About 2 years ago he stayed in one of my condos. I almost didn't rent to him because both him and his wife smoked but he assured me that they would only smoke outside. . Well today both him and his wife have stopped smoking and he said I was a piece of the reasons that they quit. Now I don't know if he was shining me on but if I had anything to do with this I am a happy guy. We usually hang out when he is in town and he is a great guy. Glad he is now going to be a healthy guy. . Mike brought down a wireless router for me and I went and grabbed it up this evening. I then took Mike on the Escott's Famous Finca tour. I think that Mike enjoyed it although it was getting dark by the time we finished. .
When I got the call that Mike was ready to hand over my router I was on the phone with my buddy Jackie Quontree. He called me from Connecticut on my NY number. Man I love my Vonage Phone. My friends can call me and chat till there is nothing left to chat about without any worries of the rates of the international calls. Get the Vonage folks, it is the cats arse!
Jackie gets to town on Tuesday. Man it is always great to hang out with Jackie and I can't wait to spend some time with him. He promised me that he wasn't going to wear his "Break Dancing" outfit anymore:) He went out and bought some clothes because i busted his butt last time he was in town wearing the Shorts that came down to his ankles. I took one look at the guy and I asked "when do you start the breakdance"? Ah poor Jackie! No more Break Dancing for him!
I am still trying to convince this Indian to hang out in Central Park with me one night in Puerto Plata with a Jug of Wine. Jackie needs to figure out how to relax and just hang with his homies! Perhaps this will be the time. I bet even Carina will join us. Hell I know that Motor City Mike would be down for this. How about it guys. Lets get a few jugs of wine and spend the evening in the park one night! Learn how to live LARGE for once!
. This is one of the lovely sisters that work at Pluto's Bar in the picture above. Just a sweet nice gal who always has a pretty smile on her face. Not too hard to look at either! Stop into Plutos when you are in town. Pleasant place and always a pleasant smile awaits you! . Today I got a lovely email from a Dominican living in the States. She/He read this blog and was taken with the fundraising we are doing on It was one of the sweetest emails I have received in a while so I am going to post it here so you can see it also. I hope that it isn't a problem so I will leave out the name and personal info just in case.
Start email:
Scott. I can't describe in words how great it makes me feel to seethat there are still people like you in this word. I was born in asmall town in the north of the Dominican Republic about an hour awayfrom Gaspar Hernandez it is called Tenares maybe you heard of it.Although i can't say I was a rich child, my family did their best toprovide me with food and some education. Today thanks to the deploredeconomic situation in the DR, I live in the United States but my heartstays with the people in my country specially those in need of suchbasic services as food, running water, electricity and health care. Iwill provide a small contribution using paypal (school let me kind ofbroke) but will definitely share this with all my friends and with theadministrators of various blogs directories I know. I will to my page and will ask my friends to do the same.Thanks in the name of all Dominicans for the work you are doing for this cause
End Email:
I will post a link to his/her blog. It is in Spanish so if you don't read and understand you may not want to go there.
With these types of people joining the effort along with everyone else who are helping out to help the children of the North Coast via I can't see how we can be anything less than a complete success!
Remember folks, dinner is at 2pm on the 16th of April at Eddys Sports Bar. Great meal for 399 Pesos and 74 of them there pesos goes to the kids. Great meal, great company and we get to do some good for others that are not as fortunate as we are!!
I have a closing on Monday at 4pm and if all goes as expected I have some exciting stuff to share with you all about a new project for me.
I have to catch up on the blog since I have been busy with other things so you may get a few bits at once.
Hasta Pronto!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Little over a week to go on the Auction and...

Ok folks, we are getting to the end of the line and we have just over 1 week to go till the close of the Auction to benefit poor children on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic.
We are adding stuff every day and just today added Golf with Lunch at Guaveberry Resort and Country Club thanks to Helmut!
It isn't too late to get some good deals on many things in the auction. You can also donate cash through PayPal via or just pledge and we will get it from you.
Today Linda and her Mom Lorna left to return to Canadia. Too bad, I will miss them. Spent a lot of time with them this trip and I enjoyed myself.
Linda was a Speed Skater for the Canadia National Team and I heard that when she first was going out with her now hubby Doug Hicks, retired Pro Hockey Player who was a Defense Partner with Bobby Orr got smoked by his now lovely wife. Now this is just a rumor mind you but Doug, did a Girl really whoop your ass? LOL
She wanted to arm wrestle me for a check and I looked her over real good and responded, "I will arm wrestle you but I aint gonna leg wrestle you for that check! LOL Hey, I am just a little more in tune with my eyes than Doug is:)
On another note while taking her to the airport the conversation of how to stop a runnie butt if you had something that didn't agree with you and I said Banana's work great. Hell they work just as good eating the damn things as shoving them up your, oh well, you should get it by now and she bet me I wouldn't put it on the blog but here it be guys. Remember, Montezumas Revenge=Bananas! Works great and taste better! (Not after the shove though!)
Tomorrow I have a closing of a condo for my buddy Herbie in Club Residential in Sosua. I do the walk thru at 11 am and close it at 3pm. Heck I also have an Airport pick up at 1:10pm so it is going to be a pretty tight day for me. Motor City Mike is getting into town for a quick one and I promised to pick his ass up at the airport so I will!
This coming week is going to be a fun one. Jackie Quontee is returning and so are a bunch of other great people I want to see. Brad just got back yesterday, no make that today but I can't take him to the casino for the booze tasting. Last time he went to a casino we had to call a Lawyer for him so we are keeping him out!:)
Remember at 6:30pm at Ocean Dreams Casino in Cabarete is a free wine and whiskey tasting tomorrow. I am bringing a bunch of people that are otherwise too damn cheap to get drunk on their own pocketbooks so they are going to do a (wink wink) tasting!:)
Taco Tuesday was fun although it was a slow one. Rob and Sandy need to return to Seatle so it can pick up again!:)
Rubi 92.5 went back on the air today so turn the dial back to 92.5 Fm and check them out. I am hoping Steve pushes the Easter dinner and Auction at Eddys for me in the next week. We need to get the word out there. Hell I have to start talking it up myself as I have neglected to do so since I have been displaced from my condo which I happen to have returned to for a few days and then I am displaced once again! After that I will move back in and stay!
Okey dokey folks, haven't been posting much lately because of NO INTERNET but I am BACK!
Hasta Pronto!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Sunday I went to Sosua's Main Beach which is just about a block from my house. I don't spend an awful lot of time there but once in a while I go. . My buddy Edd (Rellosk)kind of adopted this little beach bar #39 and of course I go there to kind of support my friends. . It is owned by Margaurita and is named Margaurita's Beach Bar. To the left is a picture of her which I took yesterday and I love. Framed between the palm trees with the cowboy hat and the guy in the background also wearing a hat just worked for me and I liked the shot. . When I got to the beach and to this particular bar Boston Jim and Tamborista (Ian) were already sitting there Sucking down drinks. I of course joined them and sucked a few down myself. . Stayed here till almost sunset and left to go read a book for a few hours. Finished a great book by Daniel Silva although I don't remember the name. It is the latest paperback out by him which I picked up in Florida last month. . Here is a picture of Jim and Ian with a bunch of Dominican Cuties who were also there and taking pictures. These hams had to get onto the blog so I accomodated them. . Later that evening I ran across Iam at the "4 Roses" bar on Pedro Clisante which is right near the Europa Hotel. Believe it or not it was the first time I was ever there. Another friend was there with Ian and when a Prostitute approached him he started telling her that he lived there but I was a tourist and looking for a woman. Man these guys love to stir the shit! I casually took out my Dominican Passport out of my pocket to his chagrin and you needed to see this guy back peddle with this FUGLY Working gal! It was funny, she saw my passport and walked away. . We left here and headed to Lou's Shark Bar on Pedro Clisante which is right across from Harrisons Jewelers next to the new disco that just opened there. Lou has been out of t0wn for a couple of weeks and while he was away his place was finally finished. Welcome back Lou! Great to see you and it was a great crowd there. . For all that don't know it Lou serves the best Hamburger in Sosua. Not cheap but certainly the best you can buy! I had one at about midnight which was my first solid food since breakfast. Dawn showed up at Lous and shared my burger with me and loved it also~! Check out Lou's Shark Bar folks. Nice crowd and a great host who it is always a pleasure to hang out with. If you don't like his hamburger I will be way surprised! . Also just in town is my buddy Mike from Florida. Mike is the guy who everyone thinks is my brother and just as soon as I walked into Lou's the gal he was with asked if we were brothers. I am the better looking one in the family but there must be something to this as many people make these comments. One time he showed his sister a picture of me and she thought it was him which made me laugh. Also in town with Mike was another friend Darren. Great to see all these perpetual visitors here. .
Hey it was nice to check in this morning and see that my breakfast was already paid for! Thanks guys, keep clicking and I will think of all of you every day at breakfast! Had the whole kit and kaboodle this morning at Extreme Hotel where I still am. Great breeze coming off the ocean and a nice young sports crowd here. Check it out when you are in town.
I had the QuiXote's property cleaned by my gardener last week and hired a guy to take away the piles of stuff and also to cut down the two BIG trees out front. I already had the permit. Cost to haul 2 truckloads of garbage plus cut and haul 2 large trunked trees was 6500 pesos which is about 200 US dollars. Reasonable to me! I wouldnt have done it for twice the money.
I have a couple of people talking about renting it and a couple of people talking about buying it. I don't even care one way or the other. There is no yearly real estate tax here so it cost nothing to keep up and the way the Real Estate is appreciating here it makes money doing nothing so since I don't need the money, who cares.
I will close on another commercial property this month. I will let you know when it happens and what it is after it closes. This one is going to be a fun project. I also have 2 more residential lots I am working on and will also let you know about those when they are a done deal also. It is fun looking at and aquiring properties here. Where else can you spend a lot of money on something you like without feeling bad about spending the money?:)
No one has any comments on the theme restaurant "Jehovahs Diner""Don't make us come to YOU!"? Did I make more enemies with my humor? Comon folks lighten up it was funny.
Ok folks, another great day on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic. Had some rain last week and some sun but today is a special day. Magical. Wish you were here!
Hasta Pronto!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Breakfast is hurting

This is the site of the Wine and Booze tasting on the 7th of April. Ocean Sands Casino in Cabarete at 6:30PM.


I will be here along with everyone I can drag with me. I have to say that I have tasted both the wines and the booze and I LOVE them or most of them actually. Also a great bang for the buck!


If I don't get too drunk I may play some black jack after and make my donation to the betterment of the casino also.


For anyone that wants to go from Sosua email me and I will help with transportation if my car is full which I am sure it will be but we have plenty of friends that are willing to help!


Today I only had coffee for breakfast because you guys are slacking off a bit on clicking:) I have been eating well except the last day or so but comon guys! LOL


Last night went to Pier Georgio for dinner at their Wood fired Pizza Restaurant. Prices were very reasonable considering the price and value of the view you get from this place which is right on the water looking at the airport in Puerto Plata watching the SUCKERS going home while you are there having dinner:)


This of course was after we went to the spot that Doug and Linda are building a home in Panarama Village which overlooks just about everything towards the water. I was told of some problems with Pablo the architect who works for Perdomo. Just a guy looking to give "SOME" people a hard time and allowing others to get away with murder. Very typical of what I have experienced when I had to deal with him. Be careful if you have to go to him for approvals of ANYTHING. I would get your approvals before you put a down payment on anything that these people have anything to do with as you may be in for a surprise. Just a word of caution from what I have experienced and what I was told by others.


Today is a lazy day. Went to Britannia for breakfast and had the eggs benedict. They have a great Sunday Meal which is suppose to be typical Roast dinner "English" style and it looked good on the menu but started less than an hour after I finished my breakfast. Great breakfast as always! Love this place and the class that Liam and Paul have incorporated into this Sosua Landmark! A great place to hang out!


The Square and Compass which is two doors down from the Britannia is being completely renovated. Nice to see good stuff happening here in Sosua. I truly believe that you won't recognize this place in 2 years. It is uplifting to see all the renovations and class added to this place and gives me more confidence in the future development here. People are starting to understand that investments will be rewarded when they see how well the Britannia is doing. Hats off to everyone who is making a positive investment here! Looking great! It won't be long till the dumps close for lack of business with all the positive investment going on here. The BS is going to have no ears soon is my bet.


You can see this type of thing going on the whole length of Perdro Clisante which is the main Street in Sosua! Good things are on the Horizon for this sleepy and somewhat seedy little beach town and things are looking up for the first time in a while.


Have no idea what is on todays agenda yet. Will play it by ear. Got email from a couple of friend that are coming down in the next couple of days. This was of course great news! John otherwise known as Duhtree and my other friend Gillian are always great to see. Hey Tom and Mary, you guys ought to be coming back soon! I have a lot of things to discuss with you guys!


Again is having an auction of goods and services to benefit poor children of the North Coast of the Dominican Republic so check out what is available for you to aquire on the cheap. OceanWorld is still less than HALF PRICE folks and there are a lot of other great bargains there! We are way ahead of last year in both the bid and donation departments as well as donations of goods and services to be bid on.


No comments on the last bit about the name of the Diner? Man you mean to tell me I didn't insult anyone even? LOL


Hasta Pronto!