Friday, March 17, 2006

Ok guys, this is the site of our future FREE dental clinic to help out the kids on the North Coast. We are partnered with Alberto Noesi who owns Anoeca which is a very popular investment house in Puerto Plata.
His offices are directly next door. He is supplying the building and renovating it to suit and first class I may add. This isn't going to be a slum dump. It will be a nice place you will feel comfortable in. To the left is Alberto's offices and you can see the class and taste that went into that building. We also will have 24 hour power courtesy of Alberto from his generator next door.
Alberto is a class guy that does things in the right way and I am honored to call him a friend and that he let us get involved with him!
I received the following email from Lissa Warden. I am printing it without permission but I am sure it will be ok with her. I have already asked her to lend a hand with the design end of this and she is a fabulous architect. Hell she has to be since she is designing my home for me! She also designed the QuiXote's project which is on hold at the moment.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Scott, I was reading your blog and it touched me very deeply, I found very interesting your project on helping kids in need. I want you to know that you can count on me on anything that I can help with. Just let me know and I'll be there. It's very noble of you do something like that. You might not know the impact on those kid's life when they get such a help. And there are many people out there willing to help they just don't know how, you can direct them, keep on the Good work, Congratulations!!! Lissa ps. let me know how can I help you...
Ok guys, you know me by now. I never look a gift horse in the mouth! Lissa is now Drafted to the "Kids Team".
My response to Lissa was something like this.
"I am not very noble. I do this for my own benefit and enjoyment and as a matter of fact I get so much enjoyment out of this that I sometimes feel guilty!"
This is from the bottom of my heart and everything I said I truly mean!
My friend Herbert is in town. He was the one that donated the dinner for two to Peter Lugars Steakhouse for the last auction. I took him to the Garden Kids School which is the private English/Spanish school that Dawn and I have put the little girl Disnalda in two years ago. I had to pay this months bill for Disnalda. The principal told me that Disnalda is FINALLY doing well in school. It was a tough transition for her as the Dominican School system really sucks to put it mildly. I have not only been paying for school but for afterschool help and tutoring to get her up to speed. This is the first positive news I have had.
This school is one of the finest private schools I have ever run across. I went to private school and my daughter went to private school so I have some idea what they are like.
When Herbert asked for the 25 Cent tour and we got to Disnaldas classroom she came running out to give me a hug and let me just tell you it was worth 10x what it has cost me in every way shape and form. Herbert was a NYC highschool teacher for 15 years and is now teaching at NYU so he also has a clue and he was very taken by the school.
Great things are happening it seems like we may be able to do more than I ever imagined for the children if everything falls into place. Please start bidding on the items in the auction and check out what we are doing. If you have cash donations that would be GREAT also as well as donating goods and services anywhere in the world for people to bid on. Email me or Carina.
Http:// is the website and we also have
Http:// which points to the same site. We have launched our first campaign to promote the auction which is live right now using a picture I took of a kid in a bucket so hence the other site name.
Get involved folks. Together we can do great things.
Hasta Pronto!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I am honored that Carina picked this picture for our first advertising campaign. A picture like this is too classic to be contrived and it was taken in El Tablon right where the river meets the ocean in Charimicos which is the worst part of the Dominican section of Sosua. These are the type of children we are trying to help. The little girl Disnalda who Dawn and I have put in a private English/Spanish school is from this area of Sosua. I will never forget the first time I drove down this street with Dawn and saw the conditions that these people live in such as Mud Streets and sidewalks and tin roofed wooden shacks, I told Dawn "I finally understand what makes so many turn to Prostitution and if I was in their position I may have also considered it in order to escape these conditions". My first take on this was wrong. These are good people that live here and I have to tell you I also believe that they are happy despite their lack of "things" and "comfort". I guess it is impossible to miss things you have never had.

These two ads are our first advertising campain to get traffic to our website. On the website there is a online auction of goods and services donated by both people in the Dominican Republic and abroad. This auction closes on Easter Sunday April 16th at 4pm. The highest bidders win the items. Our last Auction which was held on Thanksgiving day raised over 6500 US dollars which is huge for here. With that money and in conjunction with Alberto Noesi, a Dominican Business man who owns Anoeca, a finance house in Puerto Plata we are opening up a Free Dental Clinic that will offer services first to Children and then to Adults time permitting. We, thanks to Alberto, have a building to use in Downtown Puerto Plata. We are beginning renovations with funds provided by Alberto and once done will purchase equiptment needed for the clinic, waiting room and offices. We have already began the non profit incorporation process and the name of the company is going to be "Ninos Dominicanos" which is Dominican Kids in Spanish. Please copy these ads and put them on your blogs and websites. Right click mouse, and then click "save picture as" . You will then have these on your computers and be able to upload to your site or file attach e mail them to your friends who can do the same.

Hasta Pronto!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Government and Tourism???

Government to invest US$800 million in tourism Santo Domingo.- The Tourism Minister assured that the current administration has dedicated more resources to promoting tourism in the country than any other.
Read rest of story here:
This is a crock of crap just like when Leonel was here and said he was going to improve the road along the North Coast. A year later improvements end at Sea Horse Ranch and now the road is so dangerous I thought I was going to lose my front end of my car going to Cabrera.
Shame that they don't fix the most important road on the whole North Coast and Shame on them that they BLABBER so much and do so little.
Please go to the new Childrens Benefit Auction Website and place a bid!
Give me feedback please.
Hasta Pronto!

Sunday, March 12, 2006


The Website is now LIVE
Not Complete but a work in Progress
I would appreciate all comments and suggestions. Please comment even if you have nothing to add. Even the general feelings about the site is welcome.
I want to Thank Carina from PocoLoco Web Design for donating her time and energy not only to the website but for being involved from the very start. This is her work and creativity
Hasta Pronto!