Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I am honored that Carina picked this picture for our first advertising campaign. A picture like this is too classic to be contrived and it was taken in El Tablon right where the river meets the ocean in Charimicos which is the worst part of the Dominican section of Sosua. These are the type of children we are trying to help. The little girl Disnalda who Dawn and I have put in a private English/Spanish school is from this area of Sosua. I will never forget the first time I drove down this street with Dawn and saw the conditions that these people live in such as Mud Streets and sidewalks and tin roofed wooden shacks, I told Dawn "I finally understand what makes so many turn to Prostitution and if I was in their position I may have also considered it in order to escape these conditions". My first take on this was wrong. These are good people that live here and I have to tell you I also believe that they are happy despite their lack of "things" and "comfort". I guess it is impossible to miss things you have never had.

These two ads are our first advertising campain to get traffic to our website. On the website there is a online auction of goods and services donated by both people in the Dominican Republic and abroad. This auction closes on Easter Sunday April 16th at 4pm. The highest bidders win the items. Our last Auction which was held on Thanksgiving day raised over 6500 US dollars which is huge for here. With that money and in conjunction with Alberto Noesi, a Dominican Business man who owns Anoeca, a finance house in Puerto Plata we are opening up a Free Dental Clinic that will offer services first to Children and then to Adults time permitting. We, thanks to Alberto, have a building to use in Downtown Puerto Plata. We are beginning renovations with funds provided by Alberto and once done will purchase equiptment needed for the clinic, waiting room and offices. We have already began the non profit incorporation process and the name of the company is going to be "Ninos Dominicanos" which is Dominican Kids in Spanish. Please copy these ads and put them on your blogs and websites. Right click mouse, and then click "save picture as" . You will then have these on your computers and be able to upload to your site or file attach e mail them to your friends who can do the same.

Hasta Pronto!

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