Saturday, November 18, 2006

Boys are here...

Say hi to the Boys from Florida! Real nice bunch of guys with a lot of class. They know how to have a good time in style!
Patrick (Badpiece) had asked me to confirm their rooms at the Europa before Easter because their reservations were never confirmed by email and the town/hotel was packed. I went into the hotel and of course Diego said everything was fine but I gave him their last names again just in case.
As I was walking out of the hotel I noticed a small sign on the wall of the restaurant that said "Restaurant for Sale". I turned around and walked back in and bought the place. The sale fell though because Diego got squirrelly and decided to sell the restaurant WITH the Hotel. He changed his mind and we did the deal and the rest is history.
When these guys come here for breakfast this morning I will tell them that they are the cause of my hard work! Yeah and Badpiece also. Wait till I get my hands on Badpiece!
Of course I am only kidding. Although I don't like the restaurant business I have no one to blame but myself for the work I am doing.
Business is just fair this week so far. Hopefully it will pick up but who knows, it will pick up soon enough as we get into the season. I Still haven't lost a dime in the first 6 months and I think that is a record for this business especially here.
I got another bottle of Don Julio yesterday. Jackie Quontee drank the two I had in stock a week ago. My friend Herbert Muled a bottle in for me along with a bottle of Patrone Silver which I will put to good use next week when Tony Tequila returns. Now that SOB drank me out of 2 1/2 bottles in one afternoon.
I now have 5 1/2 bottles of Patron Silver in Stock! He Ain't gonna hurt me this time. Jackie will because I only have one in stock but possibly I will get more this week.
Welcome home Herbert! I hung out with him last night. Poor guy after telling all the gals that we were gay I wonder if he got any more action after I left:)
Herbert also told me that Duty Free opens at 4:30am for the early flights. Great info to know!
I have another friend coming down in the next couple of days. Tommy from NY. He is another Addict of the Dominican Republic as he has been here going on 3 times in 3 months.
I think I am going to start the Sosua edition of Dominican Annonymous for all you folks that can't stay away!:)
Hasta Pronto!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

This is my dads lunch on his 91st birthday at Hooters in Atlanta. I have movies of him standing on a chair and dancing.
Man I would make a deal with the devil today to get 91 years in his health! Really amazing man.
Yesterday was my day off. I didn't do much. Went up to Puerto Plata and gave Carina money to get some flyers Printed and then had lunch with a friend. Came back to Sosua and had dinner with another friend.
Gotsta go to work now.
Hasta Pronto!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

More Pictures of my daughter...

More pictures of my daughter being playful when we were in Atlanta last week.
. I can't wait to see her again which probably be when she is here next. . Below is a picture of her with my cousin Dino in the womans shoe store in Atlanta. She got so many shoes she had to have them shipped back by UPS. She is a lucky girl! . I had a super time in Atlanta and again cant wait till Dec. 15th when Delta starts flying direct to the DR. . . I can then go just for a couple of days and hang out, catch a game, have a meal with 40 people with my last name and even see my buddy Stretch (Dave the Cingular guy in Atlanta) . Hasta Pronto

I am terrified!

This is Badpiece in a Policia National Gig. This is real scary! Him being a cop in NY keeps me away and now he is here... What to do, what to do! LOL
He promise me a job as soon as he becomes a boss. I want to be a Captain or nothing! I want a NO SHOW JOB along with my brother Mike! This way my brother and I can both not show up for work!
Hasta Pronto!

On a bet!

Ok, got email from Dawn. She says the sex shows are great and she can't get enough of them.
She dared me to post the picture of me in the wig so here goes. Also look at a few other newer pictures of me.
I bet you didn't think you would see me in the wig, huh?
Jackie Quontee just surfaced. Missing in action for a couple of days but sitting next to me now. He is known for pulling a Houdini and disappearing so I didn't worry too much about him this time.
His water went on in his house so he stayed there for 2 days but now it is out again. He may be a house guest again soon, who knows. . These other pictures are so bad but my hair is sure turning grey. Maybe I should die my hair like all my other buddies?
Well I work today till about 1 pm and then off till Thursday at 8am for breakfast. Going to meet a few guys up at Playa Grande and show them the project I am working on in Cabrera. Also have to go there because we have a closing on Monday for more building money. Need to see that the other money is already in the ground.
Okey dokey folks, this is a short one.
Hasta Pronto!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Jackie Quontee hits town

And poses for a picture in the bar! Now this guy makes one FUGLY woman if I say so myself.
. He has been a guest in my guest bedroom because his water pump went out. He is now missing in action and he can be anywhere in the world . This guy marches by his own beat.
I got email from my buddy in NY yesterday and he told me that Dawn was having a good time in Thailand. Good for her. I hope she doesn't spend too much time at the live sex shows. It may stunt her thoughts:)
The wig came from another customer who brought his Halloween costume down with him and we ALL put the thing on. I am embarassed to say I even have a picture of myself in the damn thing. I also have to say I am a LOT prettier than Jackie! Man that is one fugly woman!
Tomorrow I go to Cabrera to check on the construction I am involved with. I hope to see a lot of work completed as I haven't been there in 2 weeks now.
Jackie drank me out of two bottles of Don Julio in 2 days. I need more. I have a friend from Florida who is supposed to call me today from Duty free in Miami today. I will get 2 more bottles if they have it. Sometimes they don't have Don Julio for weeks for some reason. I thought I was good with 2 bottles but Jackie puts on his mojo for the first couple of days when he gets here and I couldn't get enough before he got here.
I have another customer Tony Tequila who is coming down NEXT week who drinks me out of Patron Silver every time but I have 4 bottles for him in stock which probably isn't enough either but all I can do is try to get the MULES running!
Hasta Pronto!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

My new Girlfriend

This is my new Haitian Girlfriend! She has a great smile!
I brought out the morning shift in the restaurant to have a talk with them this morning and had Nelson translate for me. .
I said that they had to treat her like hte queen she was because she means so much to me! I also told them that just because she is Haitian and I know Dominicans have a hard time with Haitians that they have to treat her well. I then opened the picture and showed them. They all laughed and thought it was a joke because she looked like a Haitian Hooker. They didn't realize that it was Greg the Night Waiter with a wig on but they couldnt stop laughing anyway.
One of our customers brought it in and we all tried it on including me. It was a riot and I have not laughed so hard in a LONG time. Tomorrow I will show you just how UGLY a woman Jackie Quontee makes!:) That Son of a Bitch will probably kill me but it goes up next!
Business is back to being good. I look forward to the actual high season. Tough keeping stuff in stock though. Jackie Quontee drank me out of the 2 bottles of Don Julio Tequila in only 2 days and the SOB is here for 3 weeks. I need Don Julio if anyone is coming down and can pick some up at Duty Free. I will love you mucho!
Hasta Pronto