Saturday, September 30, 2006

Business is Back!

Business is back to being decent instead of slower than a nakid old lady climbing over a barbed wire fence! How's that for a visual?
Today we were busy all day from 7:30am until I left for my siesta! Not that I was worried but it gets pretty boring when NO ONE WAS coming in until almost 10am.
Even the waiters were getting restless.
This picture is one that someone sent me although I can't for the life of me remember who. I saved it for this rainy day when I had no other pictures I wanted to put up. Great TAT!
Tomorrow Frank the Tank is Jetting in. It will be good to see Mr. Tank as I haven't seen him in quite a while. He is going to stay in my guest room as my rental condo is rented like all good rentals should be:) Mr Tank is so big when he enters my home all the oxygen leaves because his bulk displaces it! Welcome home Mr. Tank!
Hell I may even have one of the condos sold sometime this month. It has been very good to me but I am ready to move onto something else. Having the restaurant keeps me way busy enough. It's time to take some of the money off the table here and not work as hard.
I am going to try to take a small nap and then go back to the restaurant so this is a short one.
Hasta Pronto!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Want to smoke a cigar??

I have no idea why people smoke cigars. They taste and smell awful and they don't even give you a buzz like you get from Alcohol. .
This is a friend and neighbor Norris who was thinking about lighting up. Perhaps my ugly stick I swing like a baseball bat convinced him that it wasn't a good idea! LOL
Sheesh you should feel lucky I let you smoke cigarettes for heavens sake! You people that smoke ought to clean up your acts for me and for your own health. Man I just can't understand with everything you read even about passive smoke why anyone does this.
Ok, so I have nothing much to say but wanted to put something up for heavens sake:)
Business sucks and I have nothing else to do with my time but write about BS.
Sorry for bothering you!
Hasta Pronto

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Nice letter!

This is a picture of a two story villa being built in Cabrera. I am involved in this project from the financing end of the picture and also from a sales end via a business I am involved with Nikko the Communist. is our website if you would like info on either of these two lovely homes with the best view of the ocean you can possibly imagine. The property is a gated commnity sitting on top of a cliff looking down on tall palm trees and a panoramic view of the ocean. .
We are putting the roof on the two story home this week and the roof of the single story home next week hopefully as we start the finish of the inside of the 2 story one pictured.
. After the completion of these two villas we are going to build condos also with a great view. Cabrera is located just beyond Playa Grande which is one of the best golf courses in the Caribbean and also has one of the nicest beaches in the country. Cabrera is known for HUGE MANSION Villas and Villa Tourism as well.
. This is a bigger 1 story villa in Cabrera. The roof goes on next week.


I got a nice note from a fellow from Delaware today. He was here in Sosua 2-3 weeks ago. I am going to post it below.


" Wed, 27 Sep 2006 07:10:10 -0400 To: "Scott" Scott, It was good to meet you during my recent visit to the Dominican Republic... I mean "PARADISE." The absolute only thing that was missing was a midget in white suit at the top of a bell tower shouting..."The Plane... The Plane!!!" My friends and I had a fantastic time and played one finest golf courses that I ever played... Ever! I look forward to returning in the very near future. Thanks for your hospitality... Meals at Quixotes in the Europa have already been recommended to friend planning to visit. Best regards from Delaware,


What a lovely thoughtful note!


I also got another email today from someone that saw an article/interview I gave on a website inquiring about the purchase of real estate.


Hasta Pronto!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

This is BAD

Yes folks, Badpiece is back in town. He is sitting right now changing his flight to the last flight before he has to return to work. .
Business is getting strange these days. It is starting to firm up and get a bit stronger but now breakfast has been falling off a bit. Usually we do a good breakfast and a good lunch but when business slows down our dinner slows to ruin the day. Now dinner is picking up the day and breakfast is slow for the first time.
I guess figuring out business here in the DR is just about the same as thinking you are going to understand the culture! Impossible! I finally realize I can't figure out a darn thing here and no I feel secure:)
Yes folks I feel most secure when I feel insecure! LOL This is what living in the 3rd world does for you guys!
Today I leave work at 12 noon and dont return till Thursday at 7:30am. I am not sure what or how I am going to do this but I have to be in Cabrera sometime during daylight to check on a project.
Thursday I go back to the Dentist which I am NOT looking forward to but I will do it. I hate dentists/doctors universally. The most painful part is over so hopefully I wont be crying like a little baby.
Hasta Pronto!