Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Condo in Sosua on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic

This is a picture of the Living Room, and dining area of the condo I rent out. It is 600 US a week plus metered electric. It has everything I would want in my own home including artwork.
It also has 2 bedrooms and 2 full Bathrooms and everything you would expect in an upscale vacation condo in the Caribbean. This picture below is the front of the building that I just got in email from Ken who is the President of our condo association. It shows both our new gates in the front for security and my 2 motorcycles which of course is more important:) El Neptuno in my opinion is one of the nicer complexes on the North Coast and run better than any other I am familiar with. We have completely upgraded the entire complex in the last 4 years and you can see the differences and if you are living here enjoy the hell out of them!
My comments in the last entry were just to set the record straight. It doesn't bother me in the least and I just wanted to tell some people that I don't have to be politically correct in their views, just in my own and my view is all that counts to me.
I have no one to please these days other than myself. I don't have a business here where I need to have anyones business and stupid comments couldn't hurt me in the slightest. It actually gave me great pleasure to tell them to "Go fuck yourselves":)
I was at Pedro McMurphys tonight for dinner. They did a Dominican Specialty Chivo Picante which is hot and spicy Goat. It was very well done and very reasonable in price (250 Pesos) and the only objection I had was the carrots which by the way were delicious but they weren't Dominican in Nature.
. I am very much looking forward to their next try at a Dominican Special "San Cocho" which is the National Dish of the Dominican Republic. I told Fred that if he doesn't get that perfect (which he should since he has Dominican Cooks) I would send in my girlfriend who does a WICKED San Cocho!
While I was having dinner a fellow walked over and introduced himself to me. He was actually a big bidder on the last Charity Auction I did to raise money for Kids Causes. He said "I hope you won't find this strange but my wife and I read your blog and I recognized you from your photos and I just wanted to say hi". Of course I didnt find it strange and it was real nice to meet him. He and his wife spent a lot of money on bids for our auction and It was a pleasure to put a face to the name!
Just so you know I couldn't have been any happier than when you came over!! Sorry I didn't get a chance to speak with you more but when I finished my dinner you had already left. Please get in touch with me next time you plan a trip and it would be my pleasure to take you up to the finca!
Okey dokey, I have some new pictures on my new phone which I need to get onto the computer and post here. Bear with me and they will appear shortly!
Hasta Pronto!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Servants Quarters

I had a one person object to my use of the phrase "Servants Quarters" both here and on a message board I post on. I just want to take this opportunity to tell them to "Fuck themselves". You can say what you please and I will say what I please and how I please and when I please and I don't give a crap if you think it is not politically correct. I also had an asshole object to me saying I had 4 Haitians working for me and if you don't like that you can "Fuck yourself" also. I don't have to please a single person other than myself these days and I don't plan to. Who the hell do you think you are even to bring that dumb shit up?
I have had many people work for me over the years and with very few exceptions I don't think that there is anyone who wouldn't jump at the chance to work for me again who I didn't fire for cause.
I just wanted to get that off my chest. I somehow lost my neat Cannon Camera and that is why I haven't posted lately but I can assure you that my Finca is coming along great. I just today planted a TON of Juan Duli, Peanuts, corn and believe it or not Lentils. I tried to purchase 4 Sheep today from two different people but they thought that because my skin was white I wanted to pay much more than the animals were worth. Stupid people didn't have a sale because they try to take advantage.
Yesterday I went to a fruit and vegetable market and the same crap happened to my girlfriend because I was with her. We bought a lot but a few places thought they were going to get more than the SuperMarket in Sosua for their crap because my skin was white. Of course my girlfriend didn't buy the crap from these people and the idiots didn't make "ANY" money from me. Bunch of crooks for sure. Now for the idiots that made or tried to make comments that is what I call discrimination and Haitian Workers and Servants Quarters is NOT.
Rant over, thanks, have a great day! LOL
Hasta Pronto