I was driving back to Sosua from Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic when I thought about Edd or Rellosk as a lot of you people know Edd. He is staying in Costambar and I yoked the jeepeta around to point to Costambar instead. I thought to myself, "maybe I should call first".
So I pulled off the road the cautious driver that I am and called Edd. Lo and behold Edd was on the beach in Sosua at Beach Stall #39 which is Maugaritas Beach Bar. For some reason Edd has adopted this young woman as the person and bar he is going to promote with his friends. So we decide to meet at the Bar and go to dinner. I get there and it is about 6:30 and raining. Lucky for me the gate to the beach is not up and I drive right down to the beach and right to #39 to Maurgarita's Bar.
Edd was going to play poker with some people that night but he had a girlfriend back in his hotel room in Costambar so I said how about if we go get your girlfriend and have dinner in Costambar instead of eating in Sosua and then him finding his way back much later that night which he says "GREAT".
So off we go back to Costambar to get his girlfriend and to go to dinner. Now we are also packing his friend Maugarita with us. No big deal, I am returning to Sosua from Costambar anyway so she left her motocycleta which is a motorbike for you Spanishly challanged folks and we headed to get his Girlfriend at his hotel room.
Well it turns out that his girlfriend didn't want to join us so the three of us go from his hotel to my favorite restaurant in Costambar "Cafe Negril". The three of us had the same exact meal which was New England Clam Chowder which was as good as I have had in New England when I lived there, Sea Bass in Safron Sauce which was to DIE FOR and would you believe Key Lime Pie which melted in my mouth. Mickey the owner and host kept us entertained thoughout the meal and the whole experience was "Perfecto".
After this fine meal I dropped Edd off at his hotel and Maugarita and I head off to return to Sosua. On the way back I of course have on 92.5 Rubi FM in my car and unbelievably I hear my buddy Chip on the radio (Hurrican is his stage name:)) and he gets my buddy Timindr on the radio. Well blow me down, I had no idea that Timmy was in the country. I get out my trusty Cellular phone and call in. First thing I say to Chip is "Let me talk to Timmy". Dejectedly Chip gives me Timmy. We catch up for a few minutes and we agree to meet later. He then asks me what I want to hear and I say "Just play somehting nice and dedicate it to Maurgarita". When the song and the dedication come on she says it must be for someone else with the same name and I had to explain to her it was for her.
We get back to Sosua in the rain and I drop off Maugarita at her motorbike. Thankfully it stops raining for a while which hopefully gave her time to ride home fairly dry and I head out to meet my friends Chip and Timmy. I actually called back to apologize to Chip because I didn't even say hello to him when I called bacause I was so surprised that Timmy was here in the Dominican Republic. We agree to all meet up at Voodoo Lounge!
Well I finally get to Voodoo Lounge and I see a buddy of mine in some sort of Uniform that said Mind Benders on it. I say "what the heck is Mindbenders" he says "It is a tour "Pub Crawl" that starts at Playa Dorada and by bus they take 45 people from Hemmingways in the Plaza at Playa Dorada to Voodoo Lounge in Sosua and then to a place in Cabarete which I don't remember which one". I say to myself that this must be run by my buddy Paulie from Brooklyn... Hmmm... curious and curiouser every moment. I am waiting there for Timmy and Chipper to show up and also Paulie but NO ONE IS SHOWING UP. I get out the trusty Cellular phone and call Paulie to see where the hell he is at. He had to go to Cabarete to speak with the tours next stop because they didn't answer their phone and he would be back in 10 minutes. Now I am thinking we are going to have a great time here after I finally catch up with 3 great guys whom I enjoy hanging out with. Finally Chip comes in and I am chatting with him for a while. I say "where the hell is Timmy"? Chip says he is back in the radio station Dj'ing.
I had to tell Chip that he was playing GREAT music all night which I enjoyed. I then tell Chip and Paulie that we should go over to the station and hang out with Timmy. Well Chip has other things on his mind (Cutest little bartender at Voodoo) and I actually didn't blame him so Paulie and I went back to the station.
Paulie and Timmy start doing their sidewalk act on the radio and Timmy and I are catching up during the playing music. Timmy is back with his Army unit and is going to Kosovo for 1.5 years shortly. He had done a stint in Afganistan and to me Kosovo was pretty quiet these days and I let out a sigh of relief. Timmy is a great guy who I enjoy hanging out with. Last thing in the world I would want is something to happen to Timmy.
While Timmy was at the Voodoo Lounge on a Beer run Timmy's Mother Ellen calls up. She was a commenter on my blog many times about Timmy's T-shirts I posted of him. He happened to be wearing a t-shirt that said " I put out on the first date " which was par for the course for Timmy. When he ran back to speak with his mother I said "Tell mom what t-shirt you are wearing and he promptly gets on the phone and says "The t-shirt says "I love you Mom" which was a bunch of Hooey but this guy is smoother than silk and really thinks on the run:)
Well I have a great night, said my goodbyes and headed home to catch some sleep. Today we are going to have a meal together and hang out for a while. Paulie and Timmy are doing a show together on Rubi 92.5 tonight so listen in and enjoy these guys Banter and have a Great tiem. You can even do so from their website on your computer in the US or Europe so no excuses not to listen folks, I know I am!
I am going to meet up with a few guys that helped me out of something I didn't understand yesterday. These guys own a couple of Law offices that employ 8 attorneys. My buddy Alberto introduced me to these guys and arranged their services for me.
Yesterday morning I was served with Papers for court. I had no idea what it was about at all and it didn't state anything on the papers about what the proceedings were. Turns out that I had to be in Court at 3pm and I got served at 9am. Great huh, no notice whatsoever!
Turns out that the people that own the Massage parlor next to where I was going to build Quixotes were taking me before the fiscal complaining that I threatened to put them out of business. I told my lawyer "sure but only in a legal way". They complained that they saw me taking pictures, which I did but I took them from the street and I also took my property in the photograph. It was pretty funny, they said that they had a massage parlor and bar and my attorney said they sold sex also which they denied. Funny thing is that I have letters from many people saying they paid for a happy ending after the massage:)
I bought a piece of property, hired an architect, designed a beautiful project which included a Ice Cream Parlor, open air restaurant, Art Gallery, Upstairs high scale restaurant completely air conditioned and four offices. After I have all the plans approved, pay for building permits, taxes and ready to build these people move their Happy ending massage parlor right next door. How can I open up next to this? Answer is I cannot open the type of business I want to next to a business of that nature because people will not want to walk by it. I put my project on hold and figure I will wait to see what happens in the area before proceeding. This is several months ago.
Stupid people don't understand that you don't piss off a sleeping bear, you let him sleep. They were just trying to intimidate me as they have no case. Their evidence was what I put on a blog that wasn't even on the internet anymore which didn't matter anyway because I can say whatever I want to say and that is not proof of anything.
I don't go in there and wouldn't even though I have friends that do. Now it has become personal. Lawyers can become expensive and some people have NO IDEA what they can cost.
Well folks it has been a busy day. I am going to get into a shower and meet with my two attorneys to chat.
If you have any sort of criminal attorney needs or litigation needs these guys are your men. Great reputation in Sosua and Puerto Plata. They know what to do and how to handle it.
Urena & Asociados is the name of the firm. If you don't speak Spanish call or write to Carlos Enriquez Olivares in Puerto Plata 809-970-0112 on his cell phone or olivareslawyer@hotmail.com These guys are real competent and like to fight so let them do your heavy work. I was very impressed with how they handled this and confidently recommend them to you.
Hasta Pronto!
hello scot..
still good to read your stories....
butt.....we want more pictures...
have fun
Man, you are one smooth operator when it comes to the ladis. I'm going to have to bring my notepad the next time we hang out LOL.
In all seriousness, it's great to hear that you're having a good time, you deserve it.
Do you remember the conversation we had that night at Dori's regarding risk associated with real estate investment? I thought about saying something then, but thought it better that I let you get around to making the point. Hang in there and stick to your guns. I have been looking forward to seeing what your place would eventually become.
Scott, thanks for introducing me to that restaurant. It was so good, I had to go back the next night. Also thanks for taking care of Margarita, she's a sweet kid.
All in all, it was a great evening, even without my significant other.
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