I have to tell you, I love these cartoons. The guy that thought this stuff up is a genious! I would even bet my buddy AZB would even think these are funny.
It is one thing to try to impose your religous will on those that share your religion but to try and impose your crazyness on the rest of the world is just too strange for words. These are just people that are looking for a riot about anything in my opinion.
The rest of the world practices Freedom of Speech and this is something you folks will have to tolerate or not be accepted into civilization as human beings.
Next case, today I was a waiter for Dori who has the restuarant at Eddy's Sports Bar in Sosua on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic. I knew it would be a busy day and he had this very nice Dominican young man working and I knew he wouldn't be able to handle the crowd so I stepped up and worked my Darn BUTT off today. I must have done 25 to 30 dinners myself and that was in 2.5 hours. He probably did another 10 to 15 dinners that the Dominican young man.
This was a decent day all around because he was real busy at Lunch as the European Round Ball Fans were in since this morning. Anyway I met a bunch of nice people, seemed that Dori made a bunch of new customers as there were many comments made to me that "This was the best meal I have had since I am here" kind of comments and one guy said he was going to eat there every day:)
After my stint as a waiter I was hanging out outside the Bar getting some fresh air and chatting with a few guys. I told them that I was embarrassed that since Dori has been opened which is only about 21 days I must have eaten there 14 of those days. The other two guys said that they were worse and they were eating 2 meals a day there most days! LOL
Check out Dori's Restaurant next time you are in Sosua. Try the Thai Curry with either Chicken, Pork or Beef or the Japonese Noodles with the same choices. He will cook the curry to your liking and he really tries to light me up which is great for me. Also another favorite of mine is the Thai Sesame Chicken Salad. That is a real meal even though it doesn't sound like it. YUM, YUM, Yum!
Tomorrow I am going to look at some real estate to purchase. I have a mortgage in the states that is paying off this week and the money is already burning a hole in my empty pockets:) You never know, I may just find something that is nice and I may just put some offers in. I am looking forward to closing on two lots this week that I came to terms on 2 weeks ago. They are located in El Batey in Sosua in a section called Villas Anna Maria. That is the section between Pedro Clisante and the main road that goes from Puerto Plata to Samana. These two lots are side by side and I have no idea what I am going to do with them yet but I will own them as soon as I get a closing date from my attorney.
I went up to my mini-finca today. Said hello to Billy, Goat and Butthead. I have three trees that are budding now and starting to flower. These are the most beautiful flowers I have seen on a tree. Tomorrow I will take some pictures for this blog and your enjoyment. I also have a fruit tree coming into fruit. Don't know the name but they are little green fruit that may even be smaller than limes. I have figs up my gazoo, plantanos all over the place and tons of Yuca. Maybe if Dori is good to me I will give him Escotts world famous Yuca Fritter recipe:) If you see a special on his menu it better mention my name on it! LOL
Well my sorry ass is very tired from working which I am not use to. I am going to play some online Holdem and go to sleep!
Hasta Pronto and may Gawd take a liking to ya!
PS> Post a comment and click on a google ad will ya!
Nice observation of the religion issue scott. How about if some newspaper printed a picture of smilly faced hitler's cartoon smoking jews on charcoals or sharon killing palestinians with a devils' face, you think the world would be laughing? this will never print anywhere, in fact if you question or even try to investigate holocaust you can go to jail in many european countries for denying it. yeah, some press freedom. So tell me this, is it fair to show cartoon of a islamic prophet with a bomb over his head, to show him as terrorist? Was there any call for it? You think its done in good taste? if you believe in freedom of press, then why not have funny cartoons of burning jews in holocaust camps? Ohhhh, not funny any more right? I didn't think so.
Now lets see if you could post this on your blog.
Well I guess I got it wrong.
Why do you speak about Jews and Hitler? They didn't do anything to Hitler, did they? Did they threaten him? Did they attack him? What exactly did the Jews do to Hitler?
Oh, right, you don't think that the Holocast happened, right? As I remember you didn't think that the World Trade Center happened either. Last time you told me it was the CIA and the Mossad that did it.
We are talking about a Danish Cartoonist. Perhaps he is also Jewish? I didn't see any printed words under the cartoons, I just saw the drawings. Did it say that it was the Prophet Mohammed underneath?
I also wonder what Sharon would have had to retaliate against if the Muslim extremists didn't BLOW UP INNOCENT Women, Children, Men, Elderly, Infirmed people. Problem as I see it is that these people that occupy these lands taken by Israel when 9 Countries tried to drive one small country into the Sea with a SNEAK attack.
Israel turned the tables and crushed the armies of all of these countries and took the land as spoils of war. What is a Palestinian? Bunch of Arabs that occupy land that they have no claim to because NO ARAB COUNTRY WANTS THEM and threw them out forcably.
If any country had a claim on this land it would be Jordan, and Syria. Egypt got their land back when they made peace with Israel and guarranteed them their borders.
Muslims all over the world are condeming what is going on except the radicals and extremists who are calling for more violence.
Too bad!
Tell me this scott, who is keeping israel in power? You think israel can win war against anyone without the help of mightty USA? How many billions of dollars of american tax money go to israel? Who gives them weapons to kill innocent palestinians? Here is the final question: who has the largest stock pile of nuclear and weapon of mass distruction in middle east and not one country has the guts to question it or even inspect their facility? Please do tell us more about the israeli might escott. Then when you answer this, then I will ask, who gave israel the radars and adavanced satellite knowledge against the enemies to win wars? Who gave them the advanced weapons to attack arabs and who saved israel in 1973 war from ending up in the sea? I also know my history so please don't tell me how israel took on all the arabs by itself.
Pleaseeeeeeee. I don't live in sosua and chase hookers, I also read the history.
azb, a closer anology would be a jesus or a rabbi with a bomb. I don't think Christians or Jews would burn embassies over that.Or threaten any country with a suicide bombing campaign for that matter.
This is starting to remind me of the old days.
This is about a Danish Artist that does CARTOONS and Muslim Extremists/radicals not Israel or Hookers in Sosua believe it or not.
That being said, Christians keep Israel alive and support Israel. Now ask yourself why that is Aftab.
Innocent Palestinians? You mean the folks that strap bombs to themselves and go into NIGHTCLUBS and RESTAURANTS and blow themselves and INNOCENT people and those that support them? Innocent?
One thing you are good for is comic relief my friend. Yes, I know it is the Israeli Mossad and the CIA that is really doing this or maybe sending the brainwaves on that specific spectrum that "FORCES THEM TO DO THIS".
Yes, I think it was pretty funny when I saw the cartoon telling them to stop because there were no more virgins. YES it is a sick thing that your people do and it should be stopped by YOUR OWN PEOPLE.
I have said this before if the Muslims loved their children as much as they hated Israel there would be peace in the Mid East already.
By the way there is as much money going to Egypt and the Palestinian Authority and possibly more than goes to Israel.
Yes, it is my guess also that Israel has atomic weapons just as it is your "GUESS" but unlike your fellow Sicko Wacko Radical Muslims they haven't and wouldn't use it unless they were being forced into the sea as YOUR people keep promising and threatening.
Yes intelligent nations feel that it is in their best interest to keep a powerful Israel.
Now thanks to your Sicko-Wacko buddies MORE nations feel the same way and more and more are coming on board every day thanks to STUPIDITY of the Muslim Radicals who think that they can do STUPID, CRUEL and UNMORAL things in the name of God.
My hope is that the whole world realizes that they are dealing with a people who can't tell the difference between right and wrong and treats them in the manner that is deserved.
Wasn't your Prophet Muhammed a Jew by the way? I don't make up history like you do because I live in Sosua and love to chase the hookers!
Well that actually isn't true about the hookers and you know it. But since you can't argue intelligently you keep throwing bullshit up to the ceiling because you know that some of it may stick and someone may believe your drivel.
Thanks for coming to my party. Without you I wouldn't enjoy this half as much.
Your buddy,
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