Food:Dori's Restaurant located right in Eddys Sports Bar
. Mexican Rice or Baked Ppotato,. .
Salad Bar 8-10 kinds of salad,. .
From the Grill. .
Beef Steak. or Whole Roast Pig. or. Lemon&Rosemary Grilled Chicken or Vegetarian Lasange . Dessert- Tropical Fruit Salad .
bon- apetit
399 $ RD per person OF which 74 Pesos goes to the Kids. . This is the second fundraiser I along with a bunch of other people have put on. First one was on Thanksgiving where we raised over $6500 US dollars which is HUGE for this country. We already have people donate 1500 US dollars towards this event along with a lot of goods and services. We had a $500 Voucher for Foxwoods Resorts and Casino, Dinner for 2 at Peter Lugars and many more things from the US and Many many things from the Dominican Republic. . If yo want to donate goods or services or even Cash please contact me at jazzpaging@yahoo.com and I will forward this to the right person for inclusion. Please help us help the poor children of the North Coast of the Dominican Republic! If you want to speak with me you can call me at 809-223-1178 on my cell phone or at 845-810-0212 which is a New York number that rings at my home in the Dominican Republic. . The Radio Station 92.5 Rubi Closed it's Doors Recently so we can't depend on them to help out promoting this so we are going to promote this on blogs and on different message boards. We probably won't be posting on DR1 since the pasty white boy Robert got upset when I wouldn't let him direct the money we already raised for the kids to go to the benefit of the reefs here. I couldnt let that happen because I promoted the kids and don't want to look like a fool and NOT help the kids here. I don't really care although the message board was a great help last time and we will probably not do as well as the last time because of Roberts immaturity. Guess it was all about him and how many BROWNIE Points he could have gotten instead of what is good for the poor kids of this country.
. Hasta Pronto!
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