Friday, June 02, 2006

Ok, now this is starting to become fun!

Today for the first time since opening the restaurant I enjoyed being there. We now have such a good staff building up that it isn't nearly as tiring as it was just a few days ago. I got to meet and greet a whole bunch of customers and enjoyed myself thoroughly.
My buddy Herbert was in along with Camden Tom who just got in from Minnesota. Some fun conversations!
Earlier tonight Lee and Joanne came in to Quixotes for dinner. I didnt get their pictures because I am a dope. From now on I am going to take pictures of customers and friends who come in. Dawn was in the restaurant and we all hung out at their table while they ate and chatted. It is always a pleasure to spend time with these nice people. I hope they come back to the restaurant often so I can see a lot more of them than I have in the last year or so. We spent New Years Eve together at their home and had a great time with them.
Dawn is already talking about writing a sitcom about QuiXote's Restaurante. She says that there is so much material that she absorbs that she can write forever and she also says this will make more money than the restaurant. Some of the stories I can tell are just "TOO GOOD TO MAKE UP".
This is a customer I chatted with tonight pictured below. He is in the Construction Industry and is living and working in Tortola. I don't think I have ever met anyone that lived there!
Hey, say hello to Dr. Bruce and his friend from Florida. I don't see DR. Bruce nearly enough and that was even before I opened the restaurant. It was great to see him and hangout with him for a while. This is my ex wife who stopped by to have dinner with another guy. Doesn't she know I get very jealous when I see her with another man? Ah I love her anyway but she is now out of the will. This is John and his boyfriend in law and the two sisters. Hmmm... I should of cropped out their heads since the gals are so much better looking!
Over all I had a nice time tonight and Dori didn't even bitch too much today:) Yesterday was very quiet and tonight was pretty busy. No big rushes but we were busy all day long and right till closing. Got to go to sleep as I have to be at work in 6 hours:( We are closed Mondays btw so you don't waste your time. Hasta Pronto!

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