Well guys/gals I am back to Blogging Sorry but my back up computer can no longer print a period or comma so it won't look great but thats what I got until Herbert brings me down another charger for my other computer
This is my newest Goat She is a gal I had 1 gal and 5 boys which doesn't make for many babies which I want:)
Traded her for the Black and White boy I had Had to give an extra 500 pesos but who cares I want more breeders I also traded Billy which was my oldest boy for a pair of Sheep Young boy and girl Figure I should expand my horizons Funny thing is that sheep here look exactly like goats without horns No clue as to why When I went to my friends farm in Cabrera I thought for sure that they were hornless goats and of course I was wrong He even had one for dinner and I asked him if it tasted like goat:) He has no sense of humor that Shad let me tell you!
I am going to start blogging again and now that I don't have a restaurant to deal with I have plenty of time
You are going to be sorry you asked me to blog again folks/ Now you are going to say I have too much to say again
Hasta Pronto!
Ok had to figure out how this stuff works again I have a few other pictures to post here so will have to do it on another entry
Congratulations on your new family members!!
I do have your new charger and look forward to delivering it to you soon!
Good to see you're back in BlogLand! Keep your rantings coming!
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