I am not much into Politics especially in the US since I have been living overseas for many years now but this election interests me.

The man has NOTHING going for himself other than 180 days in the Senate as the most liberal voting Senator there. He is NOT patriotic although I feel it is good to question government because that is the Democratic way but he is just not a person I would want as President in these times.
I have a 100$ bet with my buddy Herbert whom I believe sees most things the way I do but we severly disagree on this coming election. If I win I am going to cash this into Pesos and slap it on a bar in town and drink it down with him so I can rub it in the whole night.
Thursday we were at Banco Santo Cruz taking care of some of his business and while we were waiting for slow computers I said that McCain was going to name Palin as VP. He looks at me and says "that would bother me" meaning I think he fears for his hundred smackaroos.
Now she was mentioned earlier on as a possibility but I was positive she was going to get taken 1st because she will be a good second in command and because she will take Alaska for McCain for sure and take a lot of the disheartened Hillary voters who don't like Obama.
Now what I find amazing is that the Democrats are now saying she doesn't have the experience in Foreign Relations nor on the National Stage and she is young. How these dopes can even risk mentioning this is beyond me. She has more government experience than Obama, they are three years apart and although she may not be up to speed 100% now she is a fast learner, a bright woman and runs a good business so I am sure that she will be golden before the first term is completed. Obama if elected will have no where near the experience of McCain nor Palin.
I think this was a great move on McCains part for so many reasons I think my buddy Herbert should actually pay me tonight so we can go on our bender early! Poor Herbie, I have been forwarding him emails describing exactly how bad Mr Barrack Hussein Obama is for a month and a half now. I am going to punish him before and after the election.
Now Obama is putting on a platform against the Bush/McCain ticket but you know what, McCain RAN AGAINST Bush and not with him.
Obama didn't get a bounce at the polls during the convention which usually give a good bounce for both parties because Americans are starting to figure out he is just a hollow suit who speaks well. Last polls show McCain in the lead and I will bet he gets a bounce with the VP Pick.
As an Irish lad said how can Americans be so stupid. McCain is a nice old man, a certified war hero who spent 5.5 years in prison in the Hanoi Hilton, is married to a beautiful young wife who happens to own a beer distributorship~! Where is the choice in this election~? LOL
Ok sorry to bore you all with my thoughts and I know I haven't posted crap for a few weeks. I have decided to finish a house in Cabrera to move into and have been running around purchasing most of the things I need. We are tiling the pool, finish painting, installing split A/C's in all the bedrooms, Solar pool pump and solar hot water heater, an inversor system for back up electric, granite counters and raising the stone walls around the entire property.
I am sure there is a lot more but that is whats coming to mind right off the bat.
I am going to start commuting back and forth next week so I will start posting pictures of the progress. I am very excited and anxious to spend at least half my time in Cabrera in 45 days to 2 months as I have stated here for years.
Hasta Pronto~!
You had to go and ruin a perfectly good site with your political commentary. You just couldn't resist could you ? (ha ha)
1. I'm sure Sarah Palin is a wonderful woman...but do you really want her that close to the presidency ? McCain could kick the bucket anytime.
2. You can hate Hilary and Bill all you want but there is no doubt that things were better than at anytime under Bush. Why ? because despite their flaws they were highly intelligent people with at least some interest in bettering the country. Obama has the same sense of basic decency and reasonableness. John "a hundred years more in Iraq" McCain does not. Though he's a "maverick", he's a war monger. His election will mean another expensive war somewhere which will be paid for by increased debt which will decrease the value of my already weakened dollars which will make my DR vacations even more expensive.
3. Obama is not patriotic enough - what exactly does that mean ? And how is it relevant to day to day life of us Americans. George Bush seems pretty patriotic except that in his term in office he has screwed this place up pretty bad. The average American is worse off than eight years ago. We now have a runaway deficit and are fighting two wars while losing ample good will of the rest of the planet. Being patriotic is more than just empty words and lapel pin. Its about action and intentions. Do you care about the common man and not just the plutocrats and billionaires ? do you care about the long term success and viability of the nation. Talk and lapel pins are cheap.
4. Obama talks a good game sure. But, you cannot deny his intelligence, thoughtfulness, basic dencency,and ......yes...judgement.
He is exactly what we need in these times. And no one from the Repulbican party should even be allowed near the presidency given the disaster that is the Bush presidency. That you think the republican presents the better answer to our problems than Obama suggest that you are perhaps hopelessly biased against him... I suspect you are not even a Democrat - (maybe in name only - you dislike Hilary, Bill, and even Obamab ???)
5. McCain is not such a nice man (ditched his sick wife for an air head heiress), and makes callous jokes about killing people (bomb iran Joke/song). He is completely detached from the reality of most Americans - ha cant even remember how many homes he has. I'll leave his wife out of this ( not attractive, shriveled up, and not young). He was POW but that doesnt make him a war hero - he owes his entire career to nepotism and his last name.......just like ....George Bush.
6. Obama has years more experience since he worked his way up from being a city councilman.
7. Palin cant even run her own household. With her knocked up 17 year old daughter and potentially secret child. Who knew ...i thought this kind of stuff only happened in the DR.
The sad truth is that at this point, the only hope we have to set things half way straight is Obama. Sure he is a liberal.....but after 30+ years of conservatism run amok and 8 years of neoconservatism where the middle class has been just about destroyed and/or foreclosed upon...maybe a little bit of "liberalism" is what we need. I bet even the Dominicans can see that .....about 90%+ of them support Obama.
PS. Enjoy Cabrera
You had to go and ruin a perfectly good site with your political commentary. You just couldn't resist could you ? (ha ha)
1. I'm sure Sarah Palin is a wonderful woman...but do you really want her that close to the presidency ? McCain could kick the bucket anytime.
2. You can hate Hilary and Bill all you want but there is no doubt that things were better than at anytime under Bush. Why ? because despite their flaws they were highly intelligent people with at least some interest in bettering the country. Obama has the same sense of basic professional decency and reasonableness (Bill's pecadilloes withstanding). John "a hundred years more in Iraq" McCain does not. Though he's a "maverick", he's a war monger. His election will mean another expensive war somewhere which will be paid for by increased debt which will decrease the value of my already weakened dollars which will make my DR vacations and eventual retirement even more expensive.
3. Obama is not patriotic enough ?- what exactly does that mean ? And how is it relevant to day to day life of us Americans. George Bush seems pretty patriotic except that in his term in office he has screwed this place up pretty bad. The average American is worse off than eight years ago. We now have a runaway deficit and are fighting two wars while losing ample good will of the rest of the planet. Being patriotic is more than just empty words and a lapel pin. Its about action and intentions. Do you care about the common man and not just the plutocrats and billionaires ? do you care about the long term success and viability of the nation. Talk and lapel pins are cheap.
4. Obama talks a good game sure. But, you cannot deny his intelligence, thoughtfulness, basic decency,and ......yes...judgment.
He is exactly what we need in these times. And no one from the Republican party should even be allowed near the presidency given the disaster, imcompetence , nad wholesale criminality that is the Bush presidency. That you think the republican candidate presents the better answer to our problems than Obama suggest that you are perhaps hopelessly biased against him... I suspect you are not even a Democrat - (maybe in name only - you dislike Hilary, Bill, and even Obama ???)
5. McCain is not such a nice man (ditched his sick wife for an air head heiress), and makes callous jokes about killing people (bomb iran Joke/song). He is completely detached from the reality of most Americans - ha cant even remember how many homes he has. I'll leave his wife out of this ( not attractive, drug addict, shriveled up, and not young). He was POW but that doesn't make him a war hero - he owes his entire mediocre military career to nepotism and his last name.......just like ....George Bush.
6. Obama has plenty legislative experience since he worked his way up from being a city councilman. Maybe he even remembers how his legislation can affect the lives of regular people and not just multinationals and their lobbyists.
7. Palin cant even run her own household. With her knocked up 17 year old daughter and potentially secret child. Who knew ...i thought this kind of stuff only happened in the DR.
The sad truth is that at this point, the only hope we have to set things half way straight is Obama. Sure he is a liberal.....but after 30+ years of conservatism run amok and 8 years of neo-conservatism where the middle class has been just about destroyed and/or foreclosed upon...maybe a little bit of "liberalism" is what we need. I bet even the Dominicans can see that .....about 90%+ of them support Obama. ;)
8. Hey if McCain wins, i will definitely be leaving here and joining you in the DR - seems like you figured out a while back that the "ship be sinking" and got out of dodge - pretty patriotic huh ?
PS: good luck in Cabrera and keep us posted - especially the pics
PS. Enjoy Cabrera keep up the udates
First off Kayman who are you? Do I know you?
It is easy to bash Bush and easy to be a Monday morning Quarterback. I don't think that would disqualify every other Republican although you feel that it should.
Under Bill and Hillary there wasn't a 9/11 and that changed the game. Should we have gone to Iraq? Easy to look back but Hillary voted for it.
I told my friend Herbert the other night when he was making the VP's daughters pregnancy a big deal that I sure hope my 17year old daughter doesn't get pregnant because I sure would hate to lose him as a friend because of that. He may not think I am worthy and evidently you wouldn't either. I am sure you would think it was my fault. I remember when I was 17. It could have happened to me but fortunately it didn't.
Also about Palin not being able to run her own house, brings me back to the Hillary story and her not being able to keep her house clean while bill was getting blow jobs under the table.
You ask if I want her to be that close to the President? Hell if I were voting I would not be voting for her as President and she does lack experience but she certainly has more than Obama who you probably ARE voting for. He has 180 days in the Senate. He was never the chief executive of NOTHING and as a matter of fact never held a job other than living off the government tit, and this woman is the Chief Executive of a state with a small population sure, but has a great big budget and income from Natural Resourses. So Yeah, I think she is bright and will learn before McCain craps out!
She also has a great record in Alaska, has balls and didn't tow the party line and matter of fact was a whistle blower and fried some Republicans.
Did I mention that her popularity rating is thru the roof?
I don't trust Obama. A good speaker I will hand to him but NO experience, wouldn't wear a US Flag on his lapel, wouldnt put his hand on his heart or salute during the pledge of allegience. Have you listened to his Pastor? If anyone I knew spoke like that I would have walked out and would still today. No need to put up with that kind of hate crap. His wifes comments that really didn't mean that much to me but she said it was the first time she was proud of the US when they voted for her husband I found also suspect and a looking glass into their lives.
I don't want Barrack Hussein Obama as President and I would root for just about anyone other than that Hollow Suit with suspect religious values.
I agree that Bush did a terrible job in hind sight but we were never faced with what he was faced with before so it is impossible to compare.
You seem to have a chrystal ball and know what McCain will be doing 7 months from now but I don't.
People are NOT losing their homes because of the President either and I don't know why you said that.
I didn't vote for Bush btw. I voted for Nader.
I am not responsible for the sins of my father nor the sins of my children. I hope if they ever do anything to offend you that you forgive me.
" Hey if McCain wins, i will definitely be leaving here and joining you in the DR - seems like you figured out a while back that the "ship be sinking" and got out of dodge - pretty patriotic huh ?"
Man what a silly comment. I have been living here for 8 years but YES I thought the ship was sinking and still do! It will sink faster with Obama though.
I left for the good weather and for the great adventure. Not because I was running away from anything.
I (mostly) agree with Kayman. This was a decent blog until you ruined it with this bit of tired pablum.
My main issues with McCain are thus: he's an arrogant war-monger with an extreme temper. He's also a racist, sexist egotist, and this comes from individuals that know him; my wife is a journalist for a top tier national newspaper. He is about as patriotic as a Chinese-made lapel pin. And since when was patriotism exemplified by the outward symbols you've noted? That is a trite and immature position; patriotism means much more than what the GOP has co-opted as being truly American.
You are correct in that Obama lacks true executive experience. However, he is a much more capable organizational leader; the perfect example is how fluid his campaign has been run. He would not be the first president to lack this form of experience, so I fail to follow your logic. He is also better-read and has a more informed world-view. He understand nuance and moderation, something we truly need in these tough times. Diplomacy and intelligence are the way out of our current national crises, not militaristic tough-talk. That is a strategy for primitives with guns instead of brains. We are a nation of brilliant entrepreneurs and hard-working folks with good common sense, and we deserve more. In addition, Palin is a joke of the highest order.
BTW, I work in the energy sector (in Washington, no less, so I have lots of political interaction) and have a small farm in DR as an escape. I enjoy surfing and riding dirt bikes, and do not want to have to flee this great country permanently if McCain and that idiot fraud Palin ruin our nation.
Dear Annonymous,
You are welcome to read my blog and skip over what you find you don't like.
Obama is a piece of crap. He has NOTHING going for him other than being a good speaker. We need more than a mouth unfortunately. The despots running IRAN, N. Korea and many other countries won't be as hynotised as you seem to be by a bunch of words that say nothing. THEY Will embrace his leftest and extremist thinkings and simply adore his "DO NOTHING BUT TALK ATTITUDE".
Obama is a loser who sat in a church and listened to the drivel from his pastor and didn't say a word till he was running for president. NOT a man that gives me that warm fuzzy feeling.
Feel free to comment on what I write here but do NOT even think I give a crap about you to change what and how I do my blog.
Time to pay up !!!
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