I was supposed to pick up the cushions for the chairs and barstools yesterday afternoon. Needless to say I was busier than a one armed wallpaper hanger all day so I was putting it off until today.
I got a call at 7pm while I was still at the restaurant and the woman said they didn't have enough of the fabric. Man how low class can you be? Here when you do business with Dominicans for a large part of what you need they are completely untrustworthy and in addition they honestly can't understand why doing business like a complete ass is not appreciated. They lie and lie. Imagine if you gave someone a few days notice if there wasn't enough fabric to do a job that was ordered 2.5 weeks earlier?
I went there today and explained that I am opening the restaurant tomorrow and what am I to do for chairs? They just give you a stupid look with a complete absense of any feeling in their face.
Why are my people such asses?
Today when we were doing the food prep and trying to get the Chocolate Cake done the oven blew up and took a bunch of Dori's hair with it. He needed a haircut anywho so the guy is coming tomorrow to fix the thing and in time to still cook the cake for dinner.
Ok, so I am bitching a lot but YOU try to do business here with my fellow countrymen!
Oh, the guy that built the storefront in the rear of the restaurant came in to finally get paid. I asked where my price was for the second storefront so I can air condition the place and he tells me tomorrow. I say to this JERK you told me that 2 weeks ago. He babbles some crap in Spanish I don't even have any understanding of so I tell him Manana in what year? He gives me this hurt look like I am doing the wrong thing.
Don't do business with Double Hache for windows and doors. Unreliable and just a plain pain in the ASS. More of my fellow countrymen who couldn't find their own asses with two hands and a freakin road map! People ask me why I drink. I need to drink to deal with my people thats why!
Ok I am REALLY finished bitching now! Ah don't let me get started on the menus... Nah aint gonna do it.
This is how the place looks from the back to the front. Not too shabby huh? Notice the lack of seat cushions!
Hey I had the guy in that is trimming out the bar in Metal and he did half a job. He is also doing the light fixtures but they aint here either. Who the hell needs light?
I guess this is what soft openings is all about I guess. You don't tell too many people till you get it all together. I have no problem with that.
The next picture is of the place from the side entrance to the Bar.
The place is really looking real nice and I am happy with the way it is turning out. Frustration levels are real high and my temper is short. I will get through this and go back to sleep for a month.

Ok, so did you hear enough bitching yet or should I continue?
Nah, I am tired of writing and bitching.
Hasta Pronto!