I got back from Atlanta last Saturday after having to wait a few days for a seat. Nice thing about a buddy pass is that it is free but you have to wait for a seat if the plane is full.
Got back in time to have my birthday dinner with a couple of the "Sisters" and then had drinks with a third Sister at Pedro McMurphys. Had a great time as always! I love these sisters and enjoy spending time with them always.
Top is Maria uno, Bottom is Maria Dos and below is mi Negra. Three of the finest people this island has to offer!
And yes take out a camera and they all turn into Modelos!:) Siempre.
Tonight I am going to Pedro's for a Steak dinner. This is the second time they are doing this. First time was great and I expect the same this time also. They get a HUNK of USDA Prime and cut it up and see how many meals they get out of it and then take only that amount of reservations. It is all sold out again but I got reservations for two and looking forward to my steak!

Hasta Pronto!