Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Goat Farm in Sosua Dominican Republic

This is a picture of my new goat that I bought this week. A handsome lad he is. I first saw him while on my motorcycle in the Campo. This guy and the rest of his herd were HUGE. I went back three times to buy one and finally they sold this bad boy to me. Today when I was up at the Finca my guy Danny told me he already performed his job! Oh what a guy.
I don't know what type of goat he is but he is NOT native to this country. I sent two pictures to a woman in the US that Judges goats all over and I am awaiting her reply. He is bigger and has a set of horns that are much different. He has a large beard and longer ears also. His coat is finer than most of the goats I have seen.
Haha, I just noticed my finger in the photo. I used my camera phone to take these pictures.
I probably won't be blogging for a week or so. I am off to see family and shop for a week. It has been a year and a half since I left the country and my shoes are thin and my clothes threadbare:
Hasta Pronto!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Pictures of Mt Isabella Dirt Bike Trip two weeks ago

These are shots I took with my Motorola RIZR which has a 2 megapix camera. Man they are pretty good shots and I am surprised as can be. Never would have thunk they would have come out this good!
I finally uploaded them to my computer so I can post it here. We had a great trip and after you keep on reading you will see a even better trip we took yesterday.
This first picture is out to the ocean where the city of Puerto Plata looks like a little blip in the dirt. At the waters edge is the Malecon where we ended up that day. . The second picture you are looking at the Puerto Plata Airport which is actually in Sosua. They you see Sosua Bay and all the way to Cabarete. Nice trip for sure and something the guys that have been here for the first time will remember forever! . Hasta Pronto!

Another Escott North Coast Dominican Republic Road Trip

This is Fred showing off his War Wounds while we stopped at the river in Jamao for beers. Take a look at his pants which probably has a quart of blood:) This guy is my hero. He takes a lickin and keeps on tickin! No one bounces back faster and better than Fred!
Perhaps it would be good advice not to go into Pedro's till he stops bleeding though:)
Well yesterday was Sunday and we did another off the wall road trip on dirt bikes. Pictured Below in foreground is Fred who you read about last week. In the background to the right is Dave and the left is Ted. Ted and another fellow Garth joined us this time so we were a bigger party this time. Difference is more people comes more injuries. I was at the rear of the pack after stopping to chat with a cab driver back in the campo who recognized me from when I owned the restaurant in the Hotel Europa. He was back in the campo with his cows when we were asking for directions and had to turn around and head back after speaking with him.
By the time I caught up with everybody or at least the first body he was on the ground after laying down the bike. I stopped of course to make sure all was well and to help straighten out a few things.
Dave was a little shaken up but got up and walked it off and was fine. I am sure he will have a stiff knee today but otherwise ok. Today we go shopping for a tail light lens. .
After we caught up with the rest of the guys Fred above hit a ditch and went flying over the handlebars. When I first saw him he was in a river washing himself off. I asked him if he was ok because he looked torn up a bit and he had this big old smile on his face and said of course! It wasn't until later that I saw all the damage from the fall and I said, "Fred you must have sucked that up because you had to have been in pain" and he finally admitted it.
I called him last night to see how he was but he didn't answer the phone. I will see him this morning.
This trip was a bigger trip than last weeks trip and it was a lot of fun again.
We crossed about 6 rivers and when we got to the last one I tried to cross it and got stuck in the middle with water up to my ass. Had to push the SOB out and then it took some help to get started on the other side but it started and ran fine the rest of the way home.
Tony the Tiger was also with us but for some reason his bike lost the transmission and he went back in the back of a pick up truck. Reminded me of the old days with the Harley either in milk crates or in the back of the Pick up Truck:)
What did all this teach us after the trip I bet you are wondering?
Do not go into the motorcycle rental business because it just doesn't pay!:)
The only thing I am sorry about is that I won't be on next weeks trip because I will be out of town and I miss the new places and hanging with the boys already!
Hasta pronto!

This Orange is for Ben and Majorie

Ben and Majorie own a nice piece of property in the same community I have my little finca in. When I went to walk their property with them one time it was real overgrown and I just wasn't into slogging through the crap to see it. We decided I would get it cleared for them with the day workers I have been using myself and the property is all cleared and pretty now. This is a picture of one of their orange trees with an orange. It was such a beautiful looking orange I decided to eat it! Thanks Ben and Marjorie for this nice piece of fruit. It was so good I went back the next day to get me a couple of others which also were great!
Come home soon before I eat all your fruit:) Actually they are coming home in a couple of weeks and I look forward to seeing them again!
Hasta Pronto!

Those CraZy cAndiaNs

I now know where they got that expression "Those Crazy Canadians". Man I got this and a few other pictures from some friends from Canada who are trying to get a trip arranged back home to Sosua to get out of this crap!
Usually when people tell me about the weather in the states I just look at them and ask, "Do I look like I give a crap?" I mean I really don't. For me to ever see snow again someone has to die first because that is the only thing that will get me on a plane back to the cold!
I would love to offer this guy a Cold Beer when he returns but the only thing I can think of to offer is a nice San Cocho:) Ya know think something warm! . I offered these guys a ride from the airport but their plane doesn't get in until 1:20am and I will be 3 sheets to the wind by that time. . Hasta pronto!