I like to give people entertainment at my expense. Hell I will return the favor and that you can take to the bank but I thank him for his business though and appreciate the business I have gained already from a new site. I have also enjoyed posting and reading on the site. Funny how all the personalities jump right on and make a scene. My buddy Brian Wales was in yesterday and said I have 30 something posts and no one has kicked me off yet which is a record for me! Hilarious... Don't know what happened but I had to go back in here and add this last 2 sentences. Thanks Brian.
Business has really picked up again. Yesterday we had 5 times as many sales as we did a few days last week and today already we have as many sales in by 10am as we did on a few different days last week in total. Nice to be a bit busy again. Had a nice rest:)
This gal was at the bar last night.
She was a little Gorda, but she certainlywas a pretty gal with a pleasant smile. Man don't they all have a nice smile?

Look at Simon in the background. If I had a mean streak I would start telling stories about how drunk he is but I can't do it. He came in with his neighbor who actually just moved to town on Wednesday. They had dinner and drinks and was just hanging out for a while. Dawn was in for a while and hung out with them at their table.
It is nice seeing friends come in and hang out here at QuiXotes. Seems that everyone is comfortable and enjoying hanging out here.
Got the lights up in the street in front of the restaurant yesterday and now people who drive by are looking in to see what the place is all about. Slowly by slowly the place is coming together. I have a gal coming in on Tuesday to train with my day people as a bartender. She has worked in other places and recently Bologna Bar.
I just got a call from my buddy Jackie Quontree who is coming down in a few more weeks. Poor bastard just got back from a geaneology conference in Chicago. That sounded to be as much fun as watching paint dry on the walls.
I picked up a oil painting from a wandering Haitian guy. I like some of his stuff and this is the first piece I bought from him. Perhaps he will have other pieces I like and stop back in. It looks nice on the wall but it is not in the right place here yet. I will bring some artwork from home to hang on the walls till I receive Photographs to put up by a local Photographer who's work I admire. I will sell his stuff here along with Dawns Sculptures of which I have two at the bar now.
Still waiting for more light fixtures and havent even paid for the ones that were custom made to look like parts of a suit of armour yet because the guy never comes around. Tough to get stuff done here.
Okey dokey we have an empty restaurant now at 11:07 am. did more sales than we did on many days so it is a good day already.
It is Saturday and I am already looking forward to my day off on Monday. Have no idea what the hell I am going to do other than go to Santiago in the Early to pic out a slab of Granite for the new bar top. I am catching a ride with Dori and taking the bus back to Sosua after instead of killing myself on the drive back and forth. It will be Nap time for me on the bus.
Nothing much else to speak about as I am in QuiXotes Restaurant most of the day every day but the weather is still HOT and the town is now getting busy again in the buildup to the July 4th weekend.
Hasta Pronto!