Saturday, December 30, 2006

My Mini-Finca (Farm)

Now this is a big papaya! Actually it is small compared to some of the ones I will be getting now that it cooled off a bit.
I have tons of real nice and cool looking plants. I can spend hours up at the minifinca looking at the stuff every day and still find stuff I hadn't seen. . I have a goat that is going to give birth either today or in the next day or so. Cool Stuff!
Hasta Pronto!
Some more pictures!

My minifinca

These are some pictures I took up at my mini finca. I just thought I would share these with you all. I have hundreds of different variaties of fruits, veggies and flowering plants. Litterally thousands of plantings.
. I also have a goat giving birth any day now. Maybe twins I am actually hoping!
I will post more pictures!
Hasta Pronto!