Friday, February 20, 2009

This is my new baby Goat born 2 weeks ago now. She is the exact same color of her father who was also born on my farm. Had a hiatus at the farm and didn't have and new kids in a while and I was happy when she popped out and was healthy.
I have a few more pregnant ones running around so in a couple of weeks I expect more good news.
Below is my new baby lamb. I am starting to like the sheep a little more now for some reason. I plan on buying a few females to add to the 1 female and 3 males I already have so I can have more. I went last week into the campo to buy a few but the road was so bad I didn't know if I was going to have to sleep in my car because by the time I finally returned I had an awful time of getting out of mud. . I will return at the end of the month and hopefully the road to the finca where I want to buy some will be open. . Hasta Pronto!

The birds are coming

I have these vulture type birds flying all around the cliffs where I live. My guess is they like riding the currents. They do screw around with Elvis flying low and then running over the cliffs hoping he follows and then get a good meal but he is a little smarter, thankfully. He is getting great excercise now that I have the neighboring cows fenced out chasing these birds when the cows aren't in the neighboring field and he is herding them and harrassing them:) Now instead of "GET THE VACA" it is "Get the Birds" and off he goes. He is getting stronger and stronger now back to chasing animals. . Elvis started his first protection training last week and he hit the stuffed pillow real hard, spit it out and was looking for his agitator. He is going to be money well spent for sure! Most Dominicans and Haitians are scared to death of his agressiveness and his smile:) . Hasta Pronto!