Saturday, May 05, 2007


I put this picture up just to give you something to look at. I know the one on the right from a place she used to work at so posted the picture instead of just writing.


Check out this website if you are interested in or about the Dominican Republic. Http:// . They just went over a thousand members and now up to 1022 a few days later. I am active and post and moderate the board there.


It was tough growing to a thousand because there are people who look to detract from a message board and just try to disrupt but it has matured into a great informative message board.


The fellows that own it also own a Dominican Dating Website so you will see lots of pictures of Dominican women who happen to be stunning. When you sign up just say Escott referred you.


Business is real slow now and will be till the middle of May when we have a lot of people coming down. Going to try and make some changes at the restaurant soon so stay tuned.


My project in Cabrera is finishing slowly. Now it is just a question of finding customers to purchase the villas. Getting it together to presale the 17 condos we will be building there also. Stay tuned on that also.


Hasta Pronto