Ok, Ok, I don't know why I haven't blogged. It has been very very hot in town and perhaps that has something to do with my writing abilities:)
This is what happens when you go out at night, have a few drinks and just looking for a good time.
I found this piece of bamboo that looked amazing like a cigar. I put it in my fingers like any other cigar toting guy would and asked the gals to light it up for me. I then handed them the cigar to light which they did. My bamboo cigar got lit 8 times by 8 different Dominicanas.
They even smoked it and had the piece of bamboo lit and smoking. I was in total disbelief along with the two guys that were hanging out with me. One guy even took a movie of a gal lighting it in front of a mirror and coming out with it and smoking it.
.I then took me cigar up to the Disco and the bouncers at the bottom of the staircase point to my cigar and deny me entrance. So like the good and righteous cigar smoker I am I argue with their decision to deny me entrance. After the end of a long arguement I bang my cigar on the railing and they are rolling on the floor laughing when they realize the argues over a piece of bamboo:)
Needless to say I was rolling on the floor. If I didn't have this movie one of the guys took with his camera it would be one of the stories that starts "You aint going to believe this shit but...". Now I have evidence of my crazy night and good times.
This is the first page of a 4 page flyer I had Carina design for the restaurant. I am going to have beautiful women handing them out to every extrajenero in town. I am also going to have them put under ever apartment door so people can see our menu.
Business has been real slow lately. We kind of went from feast to famine. We had our biggest Week ever and now it has really dropped off. The hotel is empty and wont fill up for another week.
I will take the time now to do what I use to do so well which is to promote business. When we are packed with customers it is hard to even think about promoting anything other than my rest, but, I do enjoy promoting a business or a event.
I didn't do much on my day off. My trips to Cabrera won't start up again till next month. I will probably go up on Tuesday early evenings and return on Wednesday nights. This will go on for about a month or two and then relaxation again on my day off.
We have a lot of guys in from Bermuda this week. There are 3 condos in my complex rented out to them. Real nice guys and most of them are in the building trades in Bermuda. I have been spending a lot of time with them both in the restaurant and the rest of town. Fun guys for sure.
They came back to the condos yesterday while I was washing my cars on the side street and were hooting and hollering about me washing theirs next and of course I yelled back, "BRING IT ON". What the hell is one more?
Last night I went home and read a book. Didn't even go out for one drink. Woke up in the morning and turned the hot water on and read some more. Before I knew it the time was 7:45 am and I was late for work. I ran out of the house without my shower and went to open the restaurant. I like getting in before the employees. Today I didn't:( Imposible to do the books when the chatter starts! I usually get in 20 minutes before I left the house today. Had a great nights sleep and I feel great now that I caught up with everything.
Today Diego from Http://www.lifeinthedr.com is coming in with some glass guys. I need work to be finished on my Air Conditioned Dining room. I hired guys to do the work and they showed up with materials and started work. Needless to say they never returned. Hopefully these guys will finish the job! .
It is sometimes tough getting work done here. I don't care who you are or who you know. Work Ethic is like a foreign language sometimes.
My buddy Jackie Quontee left me after showing up without prior notice for a surprise weekend. Of course the guy drank my bottle of Don Julio and then left town:) I actually had a guy coming the day after he drank it and I thought I was going to surprise him with a new bottle. The guy calls me from the Duty Free in Miami and guess what? They don't have the Don Julio tequilla. So I ask for another bottle of Patron Silver, Belvedere and I got a bottle of JW Gold label. I go pick Mark up at the airport and he shows me a broken bottle of Patron Silver:( At least I added two others to the display.
Come back soon Jackie! It is no fun not to be able to watch you crawl through the streets after knocking down a bottle of tequilla mixed in with the Buds~! LOL
Herbert, Edd, Jackie have all left me. I miss you guys! Town is so quiet you can hear a pin drop:!)
Hasta Pronto!