I must confess there is a reason I haven't been blogging. I have been very busy helping out my new neighbor. She is just setting up her home and has asked me to help her out a lot.
The Gentleman that I am I have of course been helping. I have to admit I have been spending more time at her house helping her out than I have actually been at work. Hey, a gentleman has to do what is right, right?
Yes I know sometimes other parts of your life must suffer to be a gentleman but a man has to do what a man has to do! My partner in the restaurant has been asking me why I have been spending so much time helping her out and it is something that is very hard to explain to someone you are in business with. Sometimes to be chivalrous you have to spend some time to help others!
I have been spending so much time helping my new neighbor out that I decided to take a picture of her to show you all. She has a really great personality and you will all meet her sooner or later so I just wanted to introduce you to her. Here she is up on the ladder with me holding the ladder for her.
Nope I think she has all the help she presently needs at the moment so you all don't need to volunteer to help me out in my time consuming tasks!

She does photograph well although I must take some credit because I took the picture with one hand holding the ladder!
Thanks for the pic Unk, it has come in handy already:)
Hasta Pronto!
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