Saturday, January 28, 2006
Mudslide Santiago-Puerto Plata (Navarete?)
Friday, January 27, 2006
Sosua is REAL BUSY!

I just made some Banners. Maybe they show up when I post this. If you have a website and would like to promote my blog copy this by right clicking your mouse.
If you want to be emailed the blog posts send and email to with the subject line Join and you will have the new blog bits in email fast.
Hasta Pronto!
Bye Bye Dawn...

Wine, Whiskey, Tour and Dinner

We had a spectacular meal, fabulous wines and spirits and great company Sunday evening and I thank you for inviting us over Brian. Well done on the business! You have done it right and you will do well. Keep up the quality and your business will grow by leaps and bounds.
Hasta Pronto!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Monday, January 23, 2006
President Fernandez in my Family's Store

Sunday, January 22, 2006
Think I am bored?
Now when I saw this I absolutely cracked up. One of my pet peeves are parents that leave their children to be parented by whomever is around. You need to take a test to drive and I truly think you should have to take a test to Procreate for heavens sake. Some people don't care how annoying their kids are to others and I always found it annoying paying a babysitter to be annoyed by other peoples BRATS in a Restaurant or movie! Watch your kids people and don't let them be a annoyance to others when you should be watching your kid!
If you have read my blog for a while you will know that I love kids a whole lot more than I like adults and I am not bitching about kids here people, I am bitching about their inconsiderate parents who should be shot more often than not.
Ok enough ranting. I am sitting in my condo which I moved back into yesterday. HORRAY!! I have a guy coming to Sosua to show me a Harley Davidson Fat Boy that is for sale. If I like it I am going to buy it! I have to get that T-shirt if I do that says, "if you can read this the Bitch fell off" What an awesome T-shirt! I will then let my hair grow and get some Tats. What do you think?
At 3-4 o'clock I am going to visit a Winery/Dystilery that was put together by Avacado Brian and his wife. One of my dreams was to own a winery but that will never happen. I had a friend in California that had one and he sent me a bunch of info and I bought a lot of books but alas, this will be plan number 9231 which didn't work out:) Plan number 823 was to buy a Harley in the States and take it to Europe and tour the continent. Sell it when I was through and buy a Mercedes to return with and sell both at big profits. Hey you never know about that one:)

Man this cracks me up. Great payback to inconsiderate parents:)
Ok, I am sitting here waiting for the Harley to show and crusing other blogs and stealing their photos for my blog. I am going to go take a shower:)
Hasta Pronto you all!