I posted this certificate for all the lovely Canadian women who visit the DR. If you copy this 20x you all will be ready to come to the Dominican Republic and fit in just in case you didn't before:)
This is sort of an inside joke. Most people that know me will understand.
This is how they looked when we first got there. Yes this is before Mary turned into her PMS version of the HULK:) I got back to Dawns Penthouse to be in time to snap these shots of a real pretty woman who was at the pool. I think she was posing for me:)
Yes she was definately posing for me. Dawn will now have a waiting list of visitors to the Penthouse:) Man these women are museum pieces! I want to aquire one and just hang her up on my wall so I can just walk over and squeeze them every once in a while. YAHOO!
Tonight Dawn and I are going to dinner in Cabarete at Alli's Surf Camp. Niko, Tamborista, Camden Tom, Camden Mary, Dori, Doug and Linda are joining us. They have sushi on Saturday evenings and it is good and cheap compared to the choices you have around here! If you are around and want to join us please be there by 6:45 pm tonight. More the merrier! We only have 9 people and they can seat 20 at a big table so show your asses up and meet some nice folks and eat some good food.
Dori is going to open the restaurant at Eddys Sports Bar in Sosua in about a week. I can't wait! his food is great and I am jonesing for his cooking. I will post the menu he is going to have there in a day or so. I am going to get a bunch of people together to go over there on opening night so sign up now. I am going to limit it to 20 people because I don't want to make him too much money the first night:)
He was complaining to Dawn today that I am pushing him too hard. Tough Dori, I want to eat some good food and want another restaurant on my list of places to go. Heck with the exception of Josephs Grape and Grill, Baileys, Bar Orchidee, Mauri Mai every once in a while I don't eat out in Sosua. Dori at Eddys goes to the top of the list as I LOVED his food. I think one week I ate in his restaurant 5 nights our of 7. Man I love his food!
Hasta Pronto!
PS> If you use MyYahoo or similar home pages you can get my blog on your homepage by following this link. http://feeds.feedburner.com/BloggingAwayInSosuaLand
Raphael from http://www.dr-tourist.tv/ set this up for me. You should check out his website as it really ROCKS and he is a great guy!