I was at Dawns Penthouse this morning messing about on her computer as mine is not currently working at the moment and I heard her drive up. Dawn uses the woman that works for me to clean here Penthouse 1 or 2 times a week.
Well to my surprise along with Dawn and Magdalena comes Sarai who is one of my most favorite people in the Dominican Republic. Sarai is actually Magdalena's neice and I have known Sarai longer than I have Magdalena and Magdalena has worked for me for 2 years.
I first met this beautiful young lady when her dad delivered a Generator I bought and shipped to the DR. He has one of these trucks that has the big boom on it and it can hoist heavy stuff up to high places. As a typical Dominican would do he came along with his son and daughter.
When he heard me speak English to someone he said "talk to my daughter, she speaks English. I did and was so plesantly surprised to meet the nicest and best brought up child I have ever met who spoke wonderful English.
I couldn't help but ask her where she learned how to speak so wonderfully and she told me for the first time about Garden Kids School. This is the School that Dawn and I are sending Disnalda to. The reason for this is how well Sarai has turned out and how pleased I was to meet her.
We have remained friends and have spent many Sundays at different Rivers BBQ'ing, drinking beer and having wonderful days. I haven't seen Sarai for months for some reason and it was such a pleasant surprise!
Not only the sweetest 11 year old you will meet but I dare you to find another child as beautiful as this wonderful child is!

The tenants in my condos left today. They were here for 2 weeks in two condos and had a lovely time. Matter of fact one of the folks is thinking about buying a place here and will be back to look in a few months. This was the second time he stayed with me and he is a great guy. Sorry I didn't bring my camera and I was sorry to see them leave. My neighbors were telling me how much they enjoyed having them here and I know why!
Monday I have someone coming in from Denmark for 3 weeks. A week from tomorrow I have someone else coming in for a week and then I return to my condo. Not worth moving everything back in till they leave. It meant a 3 week booking to stay out for a week longer and Yes I went for the bucks:)
Don't know what the weekend has in store yet but Dawn and I are going for Sushi tomorrow night at Alli's Surf Camp if anyone wants to join us.
Hasta Pronto!
She is, she is absolutely bueatiful. I hope she is cherished by her Parents. She is going to grow up to be a rare bueaty as they say. I don't blame you for showing her off.
Hey, chief, can you do something about the font size? I have to admit that my eyesight isn't what it used to be. Oh yeah, good to see you back in business, and I look forward to catching up with you at the end of the month.
Mary, she is a special kid and I am lucky to know her!
Librian, evidently by the numbers I am doing pretty well. Just about 10% less than before and people don't know how to find me yet so I am not complaining.
I have been taking some good pictures and posting them but will try harder!
Jack, I will bump up the font this next post! I feel for Blind SOB's! LOL I AM ONE!
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