Yesterday while I was up at the finca looking around, feeding my goats Yucca tops and just enjoying myself I got a call from a fellow from Iowa who is looking into moving down here with his family.
It must be an exciting time for the family with the planning of something so different but it is a big move to move to a third world country which is far different than it was back in Iowa. You know the saying, "You ain't in Kansas anymore Toto"? Man "You ain't in Iowa anymore".
They have never been here before which kind of freaked me out. I would never consider a move without visiting at least a few times. I actually knew I would be living here at some point on my second trip down but on the many more trips down establishing myself I could have changed my mind with no harm or foul. These people are shopping for housing on the internet and already speaking with people. I tried to tell them to walk slower and that all the people you will talk to do NOT have their best interests in mind.
Most times I feel that people don't want to listen to advice that they ask for and sometimes wonder what is the use. As far as I am concerned the more the merrier here. I love the large and varied vibrant expat population here on the north coast and the larger it gets the more life this place has for me.
I feel like projecting the sound of brakes screeching to a halt but can't do much other than advise people to be very careful and doubly more so than they would be where they come from.
I had a customer who got their pocket picked by a Dominican Gal. The strangest part of this for me was that the customer was a NYC Police Officer with 15 years on the JOB! I looked at the guy and asked, "Does this happen to you in NY?" and he answered "Of course not, I know the game". I shook my head in amazement. Sometimes I think people check their minds at the door when they come here and that is the last thing you should be doing here.
I know they are reading this and that is how they found my number so I hope they are getting what I am saying. I would also love for them to move down, be a customer in my restaurant at least once a week and be friends with them but to be cautious is prudent when moving to a third world country and things here are more difficult at times then they are where you come from.
I love it here and wouldn't consider moving anywhere else at this point and certainly not back to the United States but... Be safe out there!
Hasta Pronto!