Monday, March 05, 2007

Say Hey to Henry

This is my buddy Henry who is from NY and staying in my other condo.


Yeah I know you have seen this house many times. It is still amazing though! I will continue to take people to the house because I think it is one of the most unusual homes I have ever seen in the world and certainly in the Dominican Republic.


I showed Henry the North Coast and I think this was the first time he left Sosua because he didn't even know where Cabarete is but now he does. Henry is going tomorrow and I will haul his fat arse to the airport. He is a great guy who I enjoy hanging out with. Matter of fact everyone I know likes hanging with Henry!


Got to get him to move here. He would be a great addition to this area! He is a corrections officer in NY and it would be great to have him keep the landrones in line here:)

. Hasta Pronto!

Poor Burro, Rich Burro

These kids were showing off with their burro. They all jumped on it to get their picture taken. Look below.
Burro got smart and threw them off. He was a little guy and even the 5 kids were too much for this beast of burden!:)
The kids are real cute and I enjoyed the horse and burro show:)
. . This was by the house that was built on a rock you just saw with my buddy Henry who came for the ride with me. We stopped on the way back for some Dominican Tipico food and Henry had the largest Red Snapper I have ever seen someone eat at one sitting:)
Hasta Pronto!
This is the view from a lot I own in Cabrera. I bought this piece of property believe it or not off of Ebay. Well I got in contact with the owner who lived in Vermont when I was in the states for an extended period of time trying to get a property I have a accepted offer closed on.
It took me about 9 months to actually purchase it because the seller didn't want to use my attorney and insisted on hiring his own. He used Fabio Guzman firm and they wouldnt even quote him on a price to close a lot and only wanted to charge him by the hour. He ended up using my attorney in the end:) People should just listen to me in the beginning instead of trying to reinvent the wheel!:)
This is the property from the road to the cliff. The cow is at the top. I will build the house on the top so the 1/2 acre will feel more like a full acre because it will only have a pool and a home in the rear. Privacy is assured unless they build an Empire State Building over the cliff:) .
It was overgrown when I bought it and I am just having it cleaned up now for the first time.
The property goes up gracefully from the road to the cliff and then falls off several hundred feet. This will make a nice homesite.
Hasta Pronto!