Today you can hardly even see the small white house and you won't possibly see the field after it. Now there is both a house in front of it and another on across the street from it.
When I first started with my landscaping project people were telling me I was crazy. Why plant trees and shrubs when you have no house there people would ask.
Today these trees are matured, I have fruits and vegetables to eat every day and the place looks simply amazing.
Whenever I take people to see the property they tell me that this was one of their best experiences since they have been in the country.
Now that compliment brings joy to my heart because I get so much enjoyment from this project I can't even describe it. Before I opened the restaurant I was on the property every morning for at least an hour. Every day I would discover additional fruits and vegetables I didn't notice the day before. I now have fruit and nuts getting very big on my Cashew trees. Can't wait till they are ready. The fruit is so sweet smelling it is unbelievable. I drove around with a fruit in my car last year so my car would smell nice. I didn't know that it was even a cashew tree and threw away the nut:) NOT THIS TIME!
This second picture was taken later on when I had more plantings. Possibly a year later. I will try and take another picture today when I am finished at the restaurant from the same angle and post it tomorrow. Man what a difference.
Last night I hung out with a friend Jackie Quontree at the restaurant. He eventually lost interest in my and found someone a little better looking than me and moved on. It was great to see him though.
My Friend Mario gets in on the 11th and stays to the 15th. It will be great to see him although he has a lot of plans and I probably won't be seeing much of him.
The day after another friend gets into town. The BigEarlie otherwise known as Earl.
Looking forward to hanging out with all of these people. It is always nice to have these guys return to the DR and hang out with them.
Hasta Pronto!