Saturday, July 29, 2006
Another day in the Salt Mines...

I miss you guys... Come back NOW!

Friday, July 28, 2006
Ice to Grass

Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Taco Tuesday...

Man will you look at this picture of Grahame.
When I was there I was told that there was a bar in Sosua that was going to do Taco Tuesday. Now I hear that imitation is the biggest form of flattery but... an original idea is way better than trying to take another's thunder.
I had a wonderful time as always with lovely people and can't wait to return again next week. Whoopee, two nights off in a row. Cool
Hasta Pronto!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
As Arnold says.... "I'M BACK"
Everything went well including a bump on Continental on my return. Problem is that they shipped my luggage on the day I was supposed to fly and when I retrieved it the landrones went shopping in my luggage clipping 2 bottles of booze and my cell phone that I use in the DR.
I have written to Continental a few times and called yesterday. I was on hold for about an hour while nothing went on and finally hung up. My first impression of Continental Airlines after a long hiatus using American to the DR is that their Customer service skills leave a lot to be desired. More on that as things happen. I am not letting them off the hook.
When I got back I went to work and almost fell asleep at 8pm but managed to keep my head up. On the following day I got kidnapped to go to eat on the beach in Cabarete with Dawn, Camden Tom, Mary, Doug and Linda. I thoroughly enjoyed myself but they made like I had agreed to this when I wouldnt have considered it on my own without speaking with Dori.
Anyhow I went and had a great time with great people. It is always a pleasure to hang out with Great folks. Doug and Linda are building a home in Panarama Village and Tom and Mary have a home on the beach in Cabarete along with making plans for their farm on El Choco Road to eventually live up there.
Last night we picknicked up on the Farm and also had a very delightful time.
Yesterday which was Monday we opened the Restaurant at the request of our customers staying in the Hotel from 9-1pm. We did a very brisk business and everyone was happy but me because I had to work of course:) We have a nice crowd at the hotel. For the most part not an idiot amoung them. Usually there are a group of people I would rather not have in the restaurant but when you are dealing with a full hotel that would be the case anywhere.
I overheard a conversation of three Black guys talking. One who is a NY Cop was telling a story about a Lieutenant who was rude to him and another guy says "HE WAS WHITE, RIGHT?" Well I smacked him on the shoulder and said "Watch it". Has the situation been reversed it would have been a horrible thing to say and I wanted to bring it to his attention that discrimination and generalization is bad for everyone. These are a bunch of nice polite guys who have been here before. If I didn't know them I wouldn't have said a word but I wanted to bring it to their attention. They got a chuckle out of it. I enjoy these guys and have the other times that they were here
It is a overcast cool morning in Sosua. I am watching the sky get darker and darker. It is GOING to rain although the sun was out on my way in at 7:30am. Good, we can always use the rain and the customers at the hotel which is pretty full will hang out in the Restaurant all day:)
Hey, I have to be there anyway so why not have some business in the slow time of year? LOL
Look for more blogging from me soon. I'M BACK!!!
Hasta Pronto!