Saturday, January 21, 2006
Family Destination of the Year, Dominican Republic

Friday, January 20, 2006

If this post doesn't give you reason to comment I think you may be brain dead.
About 6 years ago I started organizing get togethers which turned out to be HUGE attracting sometimes 200 people and more. Mostly Expats and Visitors who come often to the Dominican Republic. It was an excuse to form a big network of people for the common good. Many many friendships, mucho Business and even future jobs were organized at these gatherings. Last year for Thanksgiving I finally did a fundraiser which I have been trying to get together for years organized and it was put on. It was also a great success!
We have put together a core group of people to facilitate the distribution of the moneys and to also come up with ideas to make this an ongoing effort. Everyone volunteers or I volunteer them (LOL) and no one makes a dime out of this. We have no salaries or overhead. The talent is incredible and as this grows the talent will also grow as there is no limit of great people that care living on the Island who are anxious to help out. I have heard only parts of what has been discussed and I am totally impressed. No FLUFF here folks. NO BS and no one lining their pockets!
We are now setting up the 6th Annual Easter Bash and the 1st Annual Childrens Benefit Silent Auction. At the 1st Annual Childrens Benefit Live Auction we raised 6500 US dollars which was big for the Dominican Republic. I hope to raise a minimum of 10,000 US Dollars at the Silent Auction. Friends have already been sending in donations of goods and services and we are starting to put this all together.
One friend Avacado Brian who has just set up a legal distillery and winery in the DR gave me my first donation of a mixed case of Booze and Wine. Another friend Jack Quontee donated $1000.00 US Dollars which is 10% of my goal right there. Helmut and Amparo donated addition items which were very popular at the last Auction. I have to meet someone for lunch next week to firm up a great donation at a very popular resort on the North Coast which will be a headliner for the auction. The only promotion I have done so far is on this blog but we will go public in the next week.
I got email from Sunnie today. She is in her 20's, did a tour in Iraq, was discharged from the US Army, moved to the Dominican Republic, works for Dominican Wages and donated $500 US Dollars. Man this really moved me and although not the biggest donation to date it is HUGE considering all the factors I just wrote!
^5 Sunnie, thank you so much for opening up your heart and benefiting the Children of the North Coast of the Dominican Republic. You da Woman!
So, folks who are reading this please open up your hearts and join the other great people trying to make a difference here in the Dominican Republic. Together we can accomplish HUGE things here. Alone we can only educate one kid.
Hasta Pronto!
From DR1 News
Thursday, January 19, 2006

Say hi to Lou from Lous Shark Bar most recently located on Sosua Beach but now in the process of opening up on Pedro Clisante across from Harrisons Jewelers. His claim to fame is that he is going to be serving food until 6am which should be a good niche for him. He promised to send me email updating me on the construction, menu and other aspects of his business so I can put them here on the blog to let you guys know what is going on here in Sosua on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic.
Standing next to Lou is Ian who posts as Tamborista on DR1 and Jim a contractor from the Boston area. Sheesh talking to Jim last night I thought I was talking to one of the brothers on Public Broadcasting System who do the Car show with that Accent!:)
This is a banner from Eddys Sports Bar in Sosua. Eddys has been voted the best Sports Bar on the North Coast and it is a great place to go to see your favorite Sports on TV, surf the internet on your laptop and now eat great food! Stop in any night, have a great meal and say hello to Eddy and Dori. You will thank me after!
We are planning and getting ready right now for the 6th Annual Easter Bash/1st Annual Childrens Benefit Silent Auction. A lot of people are working on this as I type and we have set a goal of 10 Thousand US dollars to benefit the Children on the North Coast.
We already have a $1000 US dollar Cash Donation, a case of mixed wine and whiskey made in the DR, a week at one of the finer All Inclusives on the North Coast, Spa Package, Pottery, Jewelery and much more donated already. The people are working hard on a plan for what to do with the $6500 already raised and we should have some further info on this in the near future and certainly before Easter. I can tell you that I find what I have heard very EXCITING and gives me hope for the future here and what we as a group CAN accomplish. No Fluff and no angles here folks, just a bunch of very UNSELFISH individuals who really give a darn and absolutely NO OVERHEAD involved. Stay tuned for more info on this. You WILL be impressed!
Please get involved and approach your friends and businesses you do business with and ask them to participate by donating goods and services for the upcoming silent auction. We will promote them both on the internet and on radio in order to promote the auction and their generosity. WIN-WIN for everyone so please get on board early as the promotions will start in one week.
Hasta Pronto!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Tacos BaBy

Always a lovely smile from "my gals". Good to know that my wife (on right) is once again my wife and has given up her indiscretions of the past. I accept your faults darling and I forgive you. You can come home now!

I met this couple for the first time last night. They just purchased a condo at Cabarete East and it is being built and completed as I type. The wife is Dominican and they live in NY. I explained to her that she was a Dominican York and I am a York Dominican! She had a hard time believing me. Took her 25 years to leave and I went there all on my own:) Kind of the reverse Yola if you will.
There were a whole bunch of New Yourkers there last night. We may have outweighted the Brittish contingent.
Ok folks last reminder, tonight is Dori's Restaurant at Eddys Sports Bar OPENING and a bunch of us are going at 7pm to eat Dori's great food and to Toast Dori's Good luck. Come join us if you can for good food, good people and GREAT FUN!
Listen to Rubi 92.5 this afternoon for an interview By the Rocket of Doug Hicks who is a retired NHL Great. We will find out if Rocket can actually take Doug which he alluded to in a previous broadcast.
See you all tonight and can't wait for the great meal! Herman, I wish you were here to enjoy the festivities! Glad Brian and Debbie are finally coming back next week.
Hasta Pronto!
Slucking and flucking, Licking and Sticking, at Escotts favorite BBQute:)
Now this one has been around for quite a while. Sweet looking nice gal who everyone likes! You wouldn't believe how long it took me to get this shot with the moustache. She made me take 20 other photo's of her before I was able to get this one. Sweet smile even with the hairy lip:)

We had a few beers which we shared with the gals and headed back to Sosua. Man I love this place and I want to move in! No one hassles you here and you can sit and drink, chat and look without being bothered.

I just got an email sent through DR1 from a person in the UK. I have been getting these nice messages for a long time and have saved a bunch of them which I intend to publish one day. It is nice getting these and it makes me want to continue writing when I get the feeling I am appreciated.
hello theremy names reece im from the uk ,i came to the dom rep for the 1st time in nov of 2005 and loved it whilist researching the dom rep i came across your blog and loved visiting it since then i have lost your web address,i would love for you to send me the link so i can once again visit the site thanks.regards reece
I sent her the new address and now have added hopefully another reader to the blog. The numbers are coming back slowly but surely and I thank you.
Look out for my next piece with a bunch of pictures coming today.
Hasta Pronto!
Acting and Eating... Great Combination!

Had a great time at Taco Tuesday tonight and even had a good time after. I will post the pictures in the morning.
Tomorrow is Dori's first night at Eddys Sports Bar in Sosua. Just turn at Banco Santo Cruz and half a block up the road on the Right you will find the place.
A bunch of us are going for dinner so if you are around stop in and enjoy good food, good times and great people! This is Dori's first night so I want to put the pressure on him to handle big crowds and still make everyone happy:) Don't be surprised if you see all your companions serving if it is overwhelming since we are all friends of Dori.
Hasta Pronto!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Breakfast & Texas Holdem...

Monday, January 16, 2006

Friday night Dawn had Cocktail Hour at her Penthouse. Actually it was Cocktail 6 hours and included all sorts of appetizers and wine and booze. There were 9 of us at the most and 3 left early and we went through a half bottle of the Top of the Line Brugal in the Royal Decanter and 7 bottles of wine of different persuasions and a 91 Port which was out of this world.
Attending Cocktail Hours were Camden Tom, Mary Lips, Linda Love, Doug Hicks, Mario, Kathy, Dawn, Howard and of course Yours truly Escott! Howard and Mario had just gotten off the plane and came to Cocktail hour but were staying in Costambar because all my condos were filled and even I am not living there for another week so I had to take them down to their car so they could make the trip back. Traveling is exhausting!
This is Mary Lips and Dawnwil. These people would do anything to get in my blog because they are blog whores~! Ok Guys you made the big time! That is the Moon that they are holding up btw. I should have taken a better picture but they made me drink wine I swear!

We had a great time of course and the wines and apps were great. Just another noche in Sosua in the Dominican Republic!
I spent the Saturday evening in Costambar hanging with my friends. We had a great meal at Cafe Negril. I had Sea Bass in Safron Sauce which was out of this world. The owner of the place Mickey is also Jamaican and one cool dude. Cool Runnings! If you are up there this place shouldn't be missed. I WILL BE BACK as Arnold said.
Wednesday Dori's Restaurant in Eddy's Sports Bar opens. We have a nice crowd showing up so join us if you want. Dori is a fabulous Chef and I LOVE his cooking. He wanted to have a soft opening but "Screw Him" we will TUNE HIM UP REAL quickly! He was talking about having to get to know the temperatures of the new equipment but hell we are all friends of his so we know he will do great and cant wait to eat his food again.
Eddys is in Sosua on the road that Super Super Liquor Store and Banco Reservas is on 1/2 block up from Pedro Clisante on your right. Be there or be square.
I am exhausted and have a closing tomorrow. Maybe more to write manana!
Hasta Pronto!
Costambar Restaurant, Friends and New Restaurant in Sosua

I have a few other friends in from NY who I picked up the day before. They are staying in Costambar because I don't have room for them in my condos and I am even moved out for another week because of bookings.
I went up and stayed in Costambar with them this weekend and it was nice hanging out up there. We had dinner Saturday evening at Cafe Negril which is in the Atlantico One complex. Man I had a great meal. Sea Bass in a Safron sauce. If you are ever up in Costambar check the place out as all the food I have had there has been out of this world. It is run by an Authentic Jamaican by the name of Mickey. Real nice fellow and very helpful so if you get to Costambar stop in and say hello!
Wednesday Dori's Restaurant at Eddys Sports Bar opens. I am going with a group of people there on Wednesday at 7pm if anyone would like to join us. Always nice to support your friends by attending their opening night and I am looking forward to eating Dori's food again. Tell your friends about the opening and join us there.
Dawn had some people over for cocktails on Friday at about 5pm and I have pictures to upload which were neat pics you will enjoy. It will take some time shrinking them up for the blog but I will get them posted this morning.
Tomorrow is Taco Tuesday. Yes I am looking forward to it and will be bringing some fresh blood for all the Taco heads to pick on. Frank the Tank called me yesterday and said he may make it down from Nagua for Tacos and I am looking forward to seeing him again.
Happy Birthday Grahame! I may be a little late for this year but probably the first for next year! LOL
Hasta Pronto!