I am not much into Politics especially in the US since I have been living overseas for many years now but this election interests me.

The man has NOTHING going for himself other than 180 days in the Senate as the most liberal voting Senator there. He is NOT patriotic although I feel it is good to question government because that is the Democratic way but he is just not a person I would want as President in these times.
I have a 100$ bet with my buddy Herbert whom I believe sees most things the way I do but we severly disagree on this coming election. If I win I am going to cash this into Pesos and slap it on a bar in town and drink it down with him so I can rub it in the whole night.
Thursday we were at Banco Santo Cruz taking care of some of his business and while we were waiting for slow computers I said that McCain was going to name Palin as VP. He looks at me and says "that would bother me" meaning I think he fears for his hundred smackaroos.
Now she was mentioned earlier on as a possibility but I was positive she was going to get taken 1st because she will be a good second in command and because she will take Alaska for McCain for sure and take a lot of the disheartened Hillary voters who don't like Obama.
Now what I find amazing is that the Democrats are now saying she doesn't have the experience in Foreign Relations nor on the National Stage and she is young. How these dopes can even risk mentioning this is beyond me. She has more government experience than Obama, they are three years apart and although she may not be up to speed 100% now she is a fast learner, a bright woman and runs a good business so I am sure that she will be golden before the first term is completed. Obama if elected will have no where near the experience of McCain nor Palin.
I think this was a great move on McCains part for so many reasons I think my buddy Herbert should actually pay me tonight so we can go on our bender early! Poor Herbie, I have been forwarding him emails describing exactly how bad Mr Barrack Hussein Obama is for a month and a half now. I am going to punish him before and after the election.
Now Obama is putting on a platform against the Bush/McCain ticket but you know what, McCain RAN AGAINST Bush and not with him.
Obama didn't get a bounce at the polls during the convention which usually give a good bounce for both parties because Americans are starting to figure out he is just a hollow suit who speaks well. Last polls show McCain in the lead and I will bet he gets a bounce with the VP Pick.
As an Irish lad said how can Americans be so stupid. McCain is a nice old man, a certified war hero who spent 5.5 years in prison in the Hanoi Hilton, is married to a beautiful young wife who happens to own a beer distributorship~! Where is the choice in this election~? LOL
Ok sorry to bore you all with my thoughts and I know I haven't posted crap for a few weeks. I have decided to finish a house in Cabrera to move into and have been running around purchasing most of the things I need. We are tiling the pool, finish painting, installing split A/C's in all the bedrooms, Solar pool pump and solar hot water heater, an inversor system for back up electric, granite counters and raising the stone walls around the entire property.
I am sure there is a lot more but that is whats coming to mind right off the bat.
I am going to start commuting back and forth next week so I will start posting pictures of the progress. I am very excited and anxious to spend at least half my time in Cabrera in 45 days to 2 months as I have stated here for years.
Hasta Pronto~!