Sunday, January 22, 2006

Think I am bored?

I haven't been to DisneyWorld or Land in quite a while but I think I like these mouse fans:) What did a famous person once say? "Never met a breast I didn't like"!~ LOL
This picture is very Dominican and I would expect to see this here but evidently it isn't a Dominican. Could you imagine jumping out of this BAD BOY not knowing if the freakin car is going to fall on you?

Now when I saw this I absolutely cracked up. One of my pet peeves are parents that leave their children to be parented by whomever is around. You need to take a test to drive and I truly think you should have to take a test to Procreate for heavens sake. Some people don't care how annoying their kids are to others and I always found it annoying paying a babysitter to be annoyed by other peoples BRATS in a Restaurant or movie! Watch your kids people and don't let them be a annoyance to others when you should be watching your kid!

If you have read my blog for a while you will know that I love kids a whole lot more than I like adults and I am not bitching about kids here people, I am bitching about their inconsiderate parents who should be shot more often than not.

Ok enough ranting. I am sitting in my condo which I moved back into yesterday. HORRAY!! I have a guy coming to Sosua to show me a Harley Davidson Fat Boy that is for sale. If I like it I am going to buy it! I have to get that T-shirt if I do that says, "if you can read this the Bitch fell off" What an awesome T-shirt! I will then let my hair grow and get some Tats. What do you think?

At 3-4 o'clock I am going to visit a Winery/Dystilery that was put together by Avacado Brian and his wife. One of my dreams was to own a winery but that will never happen. I had a friend in California that had one and he sent me a bunch of info and I bought a lot of books but alas, this will be plan number 9231 which didn't work out:) Plan number 823 was to buy a Harley in the States and take it to Europe and tour the continent. Sell it when I was through and buy a Mercedes to return with and sell both at big profits. Hey you never know about that one:)

Man this cracks me up. Great payback to inconsiderate parents:)

Ok, I am sitting here waiting for the Harley to show and crusing other blogs and stealing their photos for my blog. I am going to go take a shower:)

Hasta Pronto you all!

1 comment:

Bert said...

here i sone for your Harley t-shirt, if you have never seen a gun fired for a moving Harly just honk