If you haven't been there for a dinner you have missed one of the better places to eat in town. I have eaten there a few times already and will certainly return again.
To start with Tommy tried our Jamison 18 year old Irish Whiskey which he was very impressed with. I had it myself for the first time a week ago with my friend and mule Herbert and I was very very pleased with it. Smooth and as fine as any decent Scotch I have had. I could turn into an Irish Whiskey drinker if I tried hard enough.
I stepped out today to run some errands of some sort and returned to find some folks dancing to the music here. After a late breakfast they danced the day away in each others arms which was quite charming to watch. Dori had already grabbed my camera from behind the bar and snapped off these two pictures. Thanks Dori!

Business is real slow and the Hotel is still empty but people look like they are checking in now. Hopefully it will get a little more busy before the Hotel fills up on the 16th of June till after the 4th of July.
I know I complained when it was too busy and don't want to sound like a complainer but I get bored when it is this quiet.

I promise to sweat a lot when we get busy as it seems to amuse my friends to watch me work and run around like a chicken without a head. I am glad to provide you all with the entertainment you so justly deserve.
Since the first day we opened there has been an unrelenting heat spell here. I also wish that would change at least for a few days so I can cool off before the summer weather lands.
Monday I had my first day off. Whoopie... Seems like a day off I guess. I went to Puerto Plata for some clay tile that they didn't have and then off to Cabrera to make a construction inspection before more money was advanced on a construction mortgage which was on Tuesday. I got home and hung out in bed for a few hours reading and then went out. Town was absolutely dead. I even got a stool down at the Merange Bar and had the choice of many. NO ONE was in the disco at 1am when I went home. Guess it will be another week of quiet before the storm.
This was kind of the soft opening I wanted when I opened to get the kinks out but I am now ready to work again:)
Just got off the phone with my daughter. It was nice to hear from her. She is stressing over the last few days of school and tests. She will do just fine like she always does. High Honor Student every year with special awards for getting over 98 in several subjects. She is looking forward to the summer when she performs on Disney Cruise Lines. This is her third year with her acting and dancing troope performing on Cruise Lines although this is the first time she did the Disney Ships.
My buddie Jackie Quontree comes back to town soon. I am looking forward to seeing him again. It has been a while and I am getting use to his ugly puss! I bet he also wants to see what is like for me to work:) I can't wait to hear his comments!
My other friend Herbert is coming back this month also. He called me when he got back to NY and told me. "I walked into my office and decided I wanted to be in the Dominican Republic more than I want to be here so I have decided to move in December 2008 after my office lease runs out.
Now that is great news. If I can get some of the other people I really enjoy to move their fat arses here my neighborhood will improve exponentially.
Ok, I guess that is enough of my ranting.
Final things...
Checkout http://www.lifeinthedr.com where I moderate a business and a real estate forum although I don't plan on moderating anyone.
Also check out http://www.dominicankids.com where we are raising money for the benefit of Children on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic.
Hasta Pronto!
I owe you one!!!! You sent me to Life in Dr, became a Moderator in 2 days and quit 2 days later
Diego has caved in to R&R, they should have a great time posting now. Rocky Racoon will be running around Sousa showing how "tough" he is at any moment
I feel kind of bad, thought Diego was a stand up guy but I never saw anyone cave so fast
if you want I will send all the PM's before my membership was closed (At my request) He did say OK to my posting all the PM's, you can decide how he gave in, but of course he denies any "pressure"
Yes, my friend, I will be back in just a few more weeks. I'm really looking forward to it. I just got back from a 4 day trip to Chicago for a Genealogy conference. Boy, talk about some dry stuff.
In any event, you know where my first stop will be, and I'll see ya then.
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