Monday, March 10, 2008

Those CraZy cAndiaNs

I now know where they got that expression "Those Crazy Canadians". Man I got this and a few other pictures from some friends from Canada who are trying to get a trip arranged back home to Sosua to get out of this crap!
Usually when people tell me about the weather in the states I just look at them and ask, "Do I look like I give a crap?" I mean I really don't. For me to ever see snow again someone has to die first because that is the only thing that will get me on a plane back to the cold!
I would love to offer this guy a Cold Beer when he returns but the only thing I can think of to offer is a nice San Cocho:) Ya know think something warm! . I offered these guys a ride from the airport but their plane doesn't get in until 1:20am and I will be 3 sheets to the wind by that time. . Hasta pronto!

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