These pictures are of my families Shoe business Downtown Atlanta. You can check them out on the web . They are fairly well known because they sell shoes from Size 8 to Size 24 and all the big people come in because they have a selection of 300 different shoes in size 19.
If you look at the picture below you will see that all the walls are lined with framed Jerseys that are signed by the respective ball players. The jerseys go back to the days that they were made of "JERSEY". Truly a spectacular place to just visit. Check out the who's who on the website and see everyone from OJ to Don King and everyone inbetween.
I got myself a bunch of new shoes. Haven't been out of the country in about 1.5 years and my shoes were getting thin:)

Check them out and order a pair or ten of the latest fashion shoes. We need the business as the US economy is even hurting the shoe business
Hasta Pronto!
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