This is the site of the NEW QuiXote's Diner. It is in the Hotel Europa on Calle Pedro Clisante which is the main street of El Batey, Sosua, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. This is the HEART and SOUL of the North Coast! The restaurant is now closed and in the process of being renovated from Bop to Tottem. New Floors start tomorrow, new Rear Entranceis currently started and the glass doors and side panels are ordered and will be installed in 10 days.
This is going to be an interesting project and I am looking forward to it. The restaurant currently seats 48 and 16 at the bar.
I am going to add hi speed wireless internet which is already ordered, free calls to the US and Canada with a minimum check and the largest selection of liquors on the North Coast to just name a few of the things I am working on.
Hopefully the opening is going to be 4-6 weeks. Time will tell and as many of you know getting work done in the Dominican Republic is sometimes very very difficult but patience is a virtue and I have plenty. As long as there is work being done every day I am ok with this.

Hasta Pronto!
I don't get it? First time around you had problems with a massage place next door, now you want to open up in the biggest whore hotel on the North Coast. What am I missing?
Brian... You make good wine and whiskey Of course I will use people I know.
Brian... Diner is trying to say Breakfast Lunch and Dinner-It isn't firm yet but...
Anonymous... Of course when someone posts as anonymous I always think that their comments are less than sincere.
Let me Explain. The construction was going to be over 500,000 US dollars not including a kitchen or furniture. It was going to have an Art Gallery and a Ice Cream Parlor. The place next door gives a massage and a BJ for the same price. Do I want kids going to the Ice Cream Parlor to have to walk by that? Are people who are going to look at Art for several thousand US dollars going to WANT to walk by that?
The Europa is NOT and has never been a whore house. Whores are not allowed to hang out in the restaurant to pick up people nor have they been when operated by Diego.
Even when I was going to open a high end restaurant which I don't plan on doing now I was expecting guys like you to bring their "Gals" with them and that was ok as long as they behaved. Same goes in the new place which is a diner. Everyone is welcome as long as they behave and that goes for you also. Misbehave and you will be asked to leave.
So, even though the Europa Hotel lets you take a woman back to your room it doesn't sell sex, it doesn't allow whores to solicit in the Hotel.
Rockys allows this and even has gone many steps further which I have seen with my own eyes, Casa Valeria allows this, Waterfront allows this and the list goes on and on.
Check the place out when it opens. It won't be offensive to anyone.
Carina... I decided not to allow anonymous comments. If people don't have the balls to sign their names to what they write they can go somewhere else to comment.
Funny thing is that I allow guys to come to my condos and take guests back. Matter of fact I would never stay anywhere that didn't let me take a guest back to my room as that is not the kind of place I want.
Perhaps my condo complex is the 2nd biggest whore hotel in the country?:)
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