I have had 4 Haitians working for the last four days and you can see one in the foreground wheeling a wheelbarrow full of weeds away! In the lower part you see cuttings that I planted already on the property!
Today I planted even more and I also planted my first Yuca on the property! Yuca takes 8 months to grow before you can eat it and I plan on planting every week so I will always have Yuca for both myself and my friends to eat as well as the people that work for me!
Tomorrow I will plant Banana and Plantains
Below you will see what it looked like before the Haitians started working and what they have done so far or partially what they have done! I enjoy working with Haitians as they are good and hard workers! That is what they come for and that is what they do and do it well!
This was the property when I bought it! Overgrown with weeds and bushes that were for the most part junk although I do have many fruit and palm trees along with some humongus shade trees! My goats will be living large here in the next 2-3 months:)
I am going to work these 4 guys until I have the whole 13540 m2 cleaned up and the border of the property completely cleared for 10 meters to plant fruit trees-vegetables and every flowering shrub and tree I can find in the country! That was what I did on my other property and I enjoyed every second of it and plan on enjoying this even more!
Hasta Pronto!
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