I make sure to go real slow going down hill and stay the hell away from everyone else. A few years ago I had someone stop and when I tried to avoid them I locked up the front wheel and dropped the bike. I was only going 4-6 mph but man it hurt for several days! When we travel I am usually the last one coming down and happy about it. I aint gonna let someone else cause me problems. I am planning on causing all of my own all by myself:)
This was a very picturesque shot that I had to take. Man you can see forever.
This was earlier in the day when I got a call from the rest of the crew who didn't make the start. We met somewhere and had a beer or two and carried on.
At the end myself and one other guy Will decided to do some more exploring and ended up in a real nice mountain town called Pedro Garcia. It was way high up and it kind of reminded me of Jarabacoa but smaller and cleaner. Roads were very steep and made of concrete. We decided that the mayor of this town should be the president of the country. Neat place.
We are going back this Sunday. We were on top of a mountain which must have been 50o0 ft high and we stopped to pee. Storm clouds came rolling in and Will wanted to turn back because he didn't have great tires. Reluctantly I said ok but I really wanted to see where it would take us. I am pretty sure we would have gone over the mountain and down the other side and hit other towns way back in the campo! Just getting to where we were was a chore. We even had a bull who was thinking about giving us some trouble and we had to sneak the guy both ways.
I want to go where no white man has ever gone before!! LOL
Rain or shine this is where we are going to go. Hope the weather clears up by then. We are supposed to get rain for a few more days and man has it been raining. My finca surely needed it and now stuff is growing like crazy!
Back to Pedro Garcia next week and we will see what we find. I am going to gas up in Montellano because I was really worried about getting out of the mountains without running out of gas. It was a long day and I had fumes when I filled up after.
Hasta Pronto!
PS>anyone who wants to join us is welcome to! More the merrier. Rent a bike and get your butt along. Please know how to ride though before you consider it. Experienced riders have gotten hurt so be carefull.
1 comment:
Good words.
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