Sunday I went to Sosua's Main Beach which is just about a block from my house. I don't spend an awful lot of time there but once in a while I go.
My buddy Edd (Rellosk)kind of adopted this little beach bar #39 and of course I go there to kind of support my friends.
It is owned by Margaurita and is named Margaurita's Beach Bar. To the left is a picture of her which I took yesterday and I love. Framed between the palm trees with the cowboy hat and the guy in the background also wearing a hat just worked for me and I liked the shot.
When I got to the beach and to this particular bar Boston Jim and Tamborista (Ian) were already sitting there Sucking down drinks. I of course joined them and sucked a few down myself.
Stayed here till almost sunset and left to go read a book for a few hours. Finished a great book by Daniel Silva although I don't remember the name. It is the latest paperback out by him which I picked up in Florida last month.
Here is a picture of Jim and Ian with a bunch of Dominican Cuties who were also there and taking pictures. These hams had to get onto the blog so I accomodated them.
Later that evening I ran across Iam at the "4 Roses" bar on Pedro Clisante which is right near the Europa Hotel. Believe it or not it was the first time I was ever there. Another friend was there with Ian and when a Prostitute approached him he started telling her that he lived there but I was a tourist and looking for a woman. Man these guys love to stir the shit! I casually took out my Dominican Passport out of my pocket to his chagrin and you needed to see this guy back peddle with this FUGLY Working gal! It was funny, she saw my passport and walked away.
We left here and headed to Lou's Shark Bar on Pedro Clisante which is right across from Harrisons Jewelers next to the new disco that just opened there. Lou has been out of t0wn for a couple of weeks and while he was away his place was finally finished. Welcome back Lou! Great to see you and it was a great crowd there.
For all that don't know it Lou serves the best Hamburger in Sosua. Not cheap but certainly the best you can buy! I had one at about midnight which was my first solid food since breakfast. Dawn showed up at Lous and shared my burger with me and loved it also~! Check out Lou's Shark Bar folks. Nice crowd and a great host who it is always a pleasure to hang out with. If you don't like his hamburger I will be way surprised!
Also just in town is my buddy Mike from Florida. Mike is the guy who everyone thinks is my brother and just as soon as I walked into Lou's the gal he was with asked if we were brothers. I am the better looking one in the family but there must be something to this as many people make these comments. One time he showed his sister a picture of me and she thought it was him which made me laugh. Also in town with Mike was another friend Darren. Great to see all these perpetual visitors here.
.Hey it was nice to check in this morning and see that my breakfast was already paid for! Thanks guys, keep clicking and I will think of all of you every day at breakfast! Had the whole kit and kaboodle this morning at Extreme Hotel where I still am. Great breeze coming off the ocean and a nice young sports crowd here. Check it out when you are in town.
I had the QuiXote's property cleaned by my gardener last week and hired a guy to take away the piles of stuff and also to cut down the two BIG trees out front. I already had the permit. Cost to haul 2 truckloads of garbage plus cut and haul 2 large trunked trees was 6500 pesos which is about 200 US dollars. Reasonable to me! I wouldnt have done it for twice the money.
I have a couple of people talking about renting it and a couple of people talking about buying it. I don't even care one way or the other. There is no yearly real estate tax here so it cost nothing to keep up and the way the Real Estate is appreciating here it makes money doing nothing so since I don't need the money, who cares.
I will close on another commercial property this month. I will let you know when it happens and what it is after it closes. This one is going to be a fun project. I also have 2 more residential lots I am working on and will also let you know about those when they are a done deal also. It is fun looking at and aquiring properties here. Where else can you spend a lot of money on something you like without feeling bad about spending the money?:)
No one has any comments on the theme restaurant "Jehovahs Diner""Don't make us come to YOU!"? Did I make more enemies with my humor? Comon folks lighten up it was funny.
Ok folks, another great day on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic. Had some rain last week and some sun but today is a special day. Magical. Wish you were here!
Hasta Pronto!
Thanks for stopping by Margarita's.
That's a great picture, with the two silhouettes and the ocean in the background. It's my second favorite picture, the first being the kid in the bucket.
You should start an adopt a bar campaign.
Especially for those less fortunate bars which happen to be owned by a not so pretty chica or worse of all, a man.
Edd, Kick Malibooks arse! LOL
hello scot....
whas good seeing you again...
had been a long time....
hope your new project will work out..
i am home again.
and hate it..
greetings pascal
Pascal... As always it was great to see you again. Look forward to your return!
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