This fellow was in last night and had dinner. I said to him after he was done and ready to leave, "Please come back again". His reply was, "You have wireless internet and Miles Davis playing, of course I am coming back". Great response for me for sure. He really made me feel like I was doing something right here.
Today we had a nice steady breakfast crowd which included at least half of the people who had dinner here last night which is another piece that give you confidence that you are doing a goodjob. Difference was that this morning everyone was on computers while eating breakfast. Cool.

I have just been exchanging emails with Carina and Helmut about the Dominicankids website. Last night I spoke with Dawn about me paying 100% of my concentration on the Restaurant and needing to spend some effort on the charity again as I have neglected it. So we are all back on track from our busy lives and going to put some more effort into the good work again.
If you have anything such as goods and or services that you can donate please log onto
We are currently under construction a Dental Clinic which will offer free dental care to children primarily and to adults time permitting. I will soon have pictures to show and put together some infomation about where the money is going to. So far individuals have picked up all the expenses of the building, renovations and dental equipment but we will have at least one full time dentist and a assistant working full time once construction is finished. Please check us out and if you are traveling here bring something down we can auction off in our weekly auctions. Together we can do great things!
Hasta Pronto!
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