There are a bunch of Europeans starting to show up here. Have 3 Germans at the bar now. This is the first time I have had that many here.
I understand that the Hotel will fill up with them soon at the Soccer games are done. I was also told that they won't leave home when the World Cup is being held.
I am not sure how the Germans, Italians and French are going to enjoy the restaurant. The American, Canadians and English have been here in force and appear to like it. I will keep an eye on the comings and goings of these Germans who have just arrived today. Interesting to see if they keep coming back into the restaurant. If they eat 2 meals a day here over and over again I will think that they like what we are doing here as well as the others.

Today I got my shoes shined by the only kid I ever let shine my shoes. He is a young Haitian kid and a very respectful kid. Most of these shoe shine kids are real pieces of crap. So far I have aided the police catch 2 of them and take their boxes away from them. Too bad they never learned how to be polite. I will teach a few more of them the lesson that they are NOT to molest my customers.
Anyway the reason I bring up that I got my shoes shined today is because I get shoes shined here about 3-5 times a week. When I lived in the states I don't think I got my shoes shined 3-5 times in a year for some reason or I just can't remember having my shoes shined. I know there are a few Army brats here who must be thinking "3-5 times a year, I wonder if he showers" and I can assure you that when I was in the service I had spit shined shoes ALWAYS!
So my question is, do you have your shoes shined in the states or Europe as often as you have them shined here? I know for sure that I didn't!
Edd Rellosk just stopped in to tell me that a crew of people are coming in for dinner tonight here at the restaurant. It will be great to have them here for sure. I hung out with a group of friends last night after closing at the Merange Bar and had a nice time.
Okey dokey, I am going back to work now. The Bartender called in with an excuse about her mother not feeling well and not coming to work. Her American boyfriend is in town and I would bet my bottom dollar she is with him tonight instead of working. I will fire her as soon as I have another gal to replace her. She isn't a good worker at all and she doesn't listen to the people. I just don't have another to replace her yet but looking.
Hasta Pronto!
1 comment:
Glad to see business is doing well. Really impressed on your making a profit in month 1. You must be doing something right!
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