Thursday, September 28, 2006

Want to smoke a cigar??

I have no idea why people smoke cigars. They taste and smell awful and they don't even give you a buzz like you get from Alcohol. .
This is a friend and neighbor Norris who was thinking about lighting up. Perhaps my ugly stick I swing like a baseball bat convinced him that it wasn't a good idea! LOL
Sheesh you should feel lucky I let you smoke cigarettes for heavens sake! You people that smoke ought to clean up your acts for me and for your own health. Man I just can't understand with everything you read even about passive smoke why anyone does this.
Ok, so I have nothing much to say but wanted to put something up for heavens sake:)
Business sucks and I have nothing else to do with my time but write about BS.
Sorry for bothering you!
Hasta Pronto

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