I had some back and neck problems and went to a massage therapist who was recommended by Dawn and Herbert. Man was this a weird experience! First I was told it could be my Gall Bladder and then I was told it could be parasites. I was told after that she was sorry she couldn't help me.
The massage consisted of accupunture, pressure points, manipulation and basically being thrown around the table for an hour and a half.
I didn't get massaged as much as thrown around the table. It was interesting. I got off the table feeling a bit better. Today I feel a lot better.
I am not sure it is from the massage or just the fact that it is not raining and thundering as I have bad arthritus in my back from a car accident but I am thankful as hell either way. My kneck bothered me so much I got a headache by the evening. Woke up ok for the most part and then the muscles couldn't hold up my head by 2 pm and home to bed after work.
Go figger... No pain this evening or a whole lot less to be exact! Bueno!
Yesterday I closed on a small piece of land I looked at a few weeks ago when one of the local Real Estate Brokers Sandy from Remax stopped into the restaurant for a drink. We chatted and I asked him what he had and I scoffed this one up real quickly. It was 1000 m2 on the highway between the Gym and the Tradewinds turnoff on the ocean side of the highway. I sent a surveyor to survey it and I collected an extra 23.5 m2 somehow. Good on me but I didn't tell anyone:)
I had a big piece on the highway up the road a bit which I sold to a partner. We had this deal with each other. Make an offer and the other had the choice to either be a buyer or a seller. Unfortunately the timing was real bad for me so I had to be a seller. I wanted to hold onto it but I had just come to terms with my wife on a buyout of child support and everything else in one lump sum. She agreed on this the day his offer was made to me. I am also involved in a project in Cabrera that was heating up and I had just commited myself to substantial cash for the financing of two large villas of 390 m2 and 470 m2 which are nearly finished now.
Well anyway I didn't get to keep this bigger parcel because of timing but I more than doubled my money on it so my downside was an upside so no complaints. I think that property could have been the big banger in a couple of years as the properties around it are being developed right and left. 11 new businesses there in the last year were built.
I actually like the property I bought a bit better but the upside is smaller because it is less than 1/10th the size and way less frontage for the size of the lot.
Work tomorrow although I am not expecting much. I guess we will see what happens. Christmas is a family day. We are closing the restaurant on Christmas Day so I am off to a friends house with a bunch of friends for the afternoon and evening. Cool, it has been a while since i HUNG OUT with them.
My friends from the states are starting to arrive. I expect to have a whole bunch down in the next few days. Edd is bringing up the rear coming on the 29th. Man Edd you ought to get in front for once before it starts to hurt:)
I got 4 bottles of Don Julio Jackie so you aint gonna hurt me so fast this time!
Hasta Pronto!
PS> Be safe on the roads!
1 comment:
It ain't like I won't try. I have 10 days there, but I'm known for changing my return at the drop of a dime. LOL
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