Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Goats and Sheep have a new Gazebo in Sosua

I just got this completed this week. The frame is concrete and the roof is Cana taken from my Cana Palm Trees on the property.
Goats and Sheep don't like the rain and I haven't had shelter for them before but now they have some from the rain. It is 5 meters by 5 meters which is about 16x16 and I am willing to bet that during a heavy rain all of them will be under this.
Tomorrow we pour the roof on a 120o0 gallon cistern which is a water holding tank. We have community water but they only turn the pumps on 2-3 days a week so we need a lot of storage.
My friend has a pool that holds about half of that according to him so that is a lot of water. I am also pouring concrete collumns above it to build a cana roof there also.
This is the evergrowing project and I am trying to make this a place I will love in the future slowly now.
Hasta Pronto!

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