I just sold yesterday a small lot I owned in Sosua on the main Highway. I bought it 3 years ago and paid 30k for it and sold it for 100k. I have a good eye for Real Estate and have always been lucky as well as good.
After moving to Cabrera I wanted to have a similar piece of property on the main hwy and got a little lucky as the people who owned it used it as a small farm.
As most of you know I own a small farm in Sosua which is about 15000 m2 or close to 4 acres where I started from Scratch clearing, building stone walls, a farm building, 12000 gallon cistern, a roofed structure in a pasture so the animals can get out of the rain, and planting veggies and fruit trees along with raising Goats and Sheep.
This is my second farm in Sosua because someone came and offered me STUPID money for the first which I rolled over into another that was three times the size and 5 times as nice. I actually had an offer on the newer finca in Sosua which fell apart as the Russian who wanted it got clipped in the worldwide financial crisis which didn't really bother me as I loved the place.
So when I moved to Cabrera, I not only got the Highway property I wanted but I got a small farm which I have been eating beans, plantano, coconuts, bananas, oranges, grapefruit and battata already.
This is a bunch of Plantains which will be ready in a few weeks.
One of many huge coconut trees. Too high for me but they fall down and we take them home for the juice inside which maria cooks with.
I have in addition Manzano de Oro, Catania, Mango, Avacados, and much much more.
My girlfriend negotiated this deal and closed the deal with only advice from me. She is finishing a degree in "Infomatica" which I believe is "I T" or information technology but I want her to have the skills to make real money:) I found the property and when I saw the owners were elderly Dominicans I asked my girlfriend to do the deal which she readily agreed. She hired a attorney and a surveyor and although there were a few problems such as having 200 m2 less than the title said completed the deal successfully at a very good price.

I am sure I can double or triple my money in a year or two on this deal!
Hasta Pronto!
Those plantains look amazing!!!
I think you need to take the money from the land you sold in Sosua and buy a Comoado to sell all the fruits and veggies from your other fincas.
But knowing you, you'll prbably buy another finca.
Hi i read a post of you that if we have any questions for you about moving in Domenican Republic to contact you here....If you received this post let me know how can i contact you because i have some questions...Thanks in advance..!!!
Hi i read a post of you that if we have any questions for you about moving into Domenican Republic to contact you here..If you receive this post let me know how can i contact you because i have some questions...Thank you in advance....
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