Grandma is saying good bye to my last host of my blog who censored and edited my blog to suit himself and his goals.
We are off to a great start and have 60 unique users already even after the other site deleted the comments which point here:) Everyone that comes here is a new user until you log in a second time. I will have only New Users for a while.
This is going to be fun doing a blog now without anyone looking over my shoulder and both editing and censoring what I write. I should have moved this blog a while ago but you get comfortable and stay where you know the software and you have a following.
Ok so I made the move and now I need your help in promoting it to people who don't know it was moved. Tell your friends and others that you know where to find me!
I will post news here relating to the Dominican Republic and talk about my life here as an Expat. I will also send you to other sites that have good information about the Dominican Republic such as a neat site I have been reading for quite a while and quoting in my blog called "Dominican Today" which can be found at:
Great news about the Dominican Republic and updated often. An alternative to my exhost who I won't be speaking much about for a while:)
Here is an interesting story I just saw there.
After reports of supposed attempt against Fernandez, Police find
I will update the site with stories, news and much more as often as I find something interesting.
Hasta Siempre!
Good luck Scottie, I changed the link in my blog to here.
Hola Scott.
I am surprised you did not leave sooner.
There is no point in having a blog if you are not free to express yourself.
Robert must think that people can't think for themselves and see your blog as your opinions.
Thanks for the link Carina.
Yo Mali,
Glad to see you reading me BS! I would love to meet you and Tamborista. You are two guys I want to meet that I haven't yet that I know of.
Give me a jingle when you are in town and I would be happy to buy you a drink, dinner or your next wife:) 223-1178
Some people actually seem like fun and you two guys are people I think would fill the bill!
CARINA, you are the Cats Arse. I know as a Swede and you won't appreciate my thoughts but I love having you as a friend. No bs and all REAL unlike some people from the dr1 site.
You should consider moving your site here as you will make a few bucks and have a good time and NEVER have to worry about Jerry's kids censoring you.
Piss on you Robert. People asked me what our problem was and I told them that you are in the UK and can't get laid outside of the dr because you are a poster child for Jerry Lewis's Telethon and that is our problem.
Only kiddiung, I know you sent me a pm saying that you don't take anything personally and this is a test of your bullshit!
Do you still love me even though you are the the funniest looking son of a bitch I have ever met?
This is your test as I have put up with your bullshit and your immaturity for so long I can't stand it. Am I off your Christmas list now? You are still on mine.
scott..blogs looking good..it was nice to see edds face..rellosk..we were to hook up once in jersey city at a festival...happy new year to all...paddy
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